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  1. eli minâtīšu : [Measures]  abnormally , beyond measure / immeasurably , exceptionnally ;
  2. eli : 1) on , over , above , against , more than ; : on , on to (a place, a thing) , on to a person (obligation) , (person) over another, (task) in addition to , more than (quantity / quality) , against (ennemy / person) , shout (of anger) , on account of (someone) , on behalf of (someone) to (someone) after [ṭiābu] : to please ; after [marāṣu] : to displease ; 2) : on account of , because of , owing to ;
  3. eliāti : [Religion]  the upper world ;
  4. eliš, elān, elāniš, elānu, ṣēriš, šēr : above
  5. eliš : 1) above , upwards , over , uphill * , in addition ; 2) up above / in heaven (or on earth)
  6. ša-šumēli : [Human being]  a left-sider , one who sits at the left side ;