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  1. karāku : 1) to block (water , a canal) , to stop (water ...) 2) to wrap , to twine 3) to gather troops 4) to do promptly , to do again D : to wrap up (a tongue -?-) Š : : to have collected , to have gathered N : to be wound up (intestines) , to be assembled (people)
  2. kaṣādum : [Army → War]   : (D) : to seize hold , to take by force , to take possession (goods or persons) , to capture / confiscate / take prisoner (?) / to carry away as a prisoner (?) ; Dt : to be seized / captured ; note : this word could be at the root of the etymology of the word "Chaldean" (nomadic looters from an area called "Ḫatti" / Biblical "Padan Aram" / North of today's Syria and South of Turkey). Those people were deported by the Assyrians to Southern Babylonia where they adapted and even prospered.
  3. kašādu : to arrive, reach, conquer 1) to reach , to arrive , to accomplish , to conquer (place, level, person, time, day, season) , to happen / occur / arrive / take place (event) ; kašādu +
  4. kuštāru : [City → Hotel]  a tent
  5. lišānum : [Human → Speech]  1) a tongue (human or animal organ , language - instrument of prayer/ malice- , a dialect , a pronunciation + , a nationality , a people / nation
  6. liwītu : [City → Buildings]  1) : packaging , wrapping ; 2) circumference , the rim (eyes, armour, chariot) ; 3) limits , extent , span , area (field, building) ; 4) : [ina liwītu ūmmima] : within the compass of one day ; 5) enclosure , fence (roud a field / garden) , [igār liwītu] : enclosure wall ; 6) the environs / surroundings (of a city, a palce, a canal) , : surrounding area ; 7) : the entourage / people around (a king) ;
  7. mātu : : 1) (own) home country , home territory , the land / the state ; 2) flat country as opposed to mountains ; 3) land as opposed to sea ; 4) (foreign) country / territory , inhabitants of a country , a people , a nation
  8. muḫḫu : [Human → Body]  brain ; skull ; top, upper part
  9. muzzerū : [Moral life → Feelings]   : ennemies , hostile people , unfriendly people
  10. nagbu (1) : [Humanities → Geography → Rivers]  1) underground water , a fountain (?) ; 2) water table ; 3) headwaters of a river , a fountain-head ; 4) : the whole , the entirety (of wisdom, cult, people) ;
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