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  1. rā ' imu : [Moral life → Feelings]  in love ; noun : a lover , a well-wisher
  2. rēʾû : [Professions]  1) a shepherd, herdsman (of sheep, cattle, donkeys, horses, pigs, : camels , : birds) ; 2) god, king : the shepherd / pastor of the people / the land / humanity ; 3) : a bird
  3. rūqu : [Measures]  1) place, land, mountain, heaven, gods, people : distant , far-away , remote ; 2) figurative sense ; heart ... : unfathomable , inscrutable , fathomless / abysmal (?) , incomprehensible (?) / enigmatic (?) / indecipherable (?) / impenetrable (?) / obscure (?) ; 3) time, days, years ... : distant / long gone by days, years ... , that have elapsed a long time ago , that will occur a long time later , remote / of yore
  4. sakānu (1) : [Government]  1) : to see to , to care for ; 2) : to settle (people) / to keep settled ;
  5. sindu u birtu : [Government]  common people , a commoner (?) ;
  6. sipittu : [Human → Death]  mourning rites
  7. ṣābu : [Army]  (able-bodied) man , soldier , (plural) people , soldiers / troops , hosts
  8. ṣerretu (1) : [Animals → Domestic]   : a nose-rope , a leading-rope ; : a tether , a tethering-rope , a leading-rope for animals , captives , prisoners
  9. šapāru : [Art]  G. to send s.o. ; to send a message ; to write ; to give orders / to order R. Gtn. to send repeatedly ; to instruct repeatedly ; to govern continually Š. to cause to write Št. to govern N. to be send (people, message)
  10. šarāqu (1) : [Legal]  1) to steal goods, animals, field, people
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