mātu [KUR : ] (n. fem. ; : [KALAM : ] ; ; also [MA.DA : ])
: 1) (own) home country , home territory , the land / the state ; 2) flat country as opposed to mountains ; 3) land as opposed to sea ; 4) (foreign) country / territory , inhabitants of a country , a people , a nation ; nišē māti : the inhabitants of the country ; 5) area of entrails ; māt ubāni : area of finger ; māt (ubān) ḫašî : area of a lung ; māt tākaltim : area of stomach ; 6) plural : [KUR.KUR : ] : the countries of a region , all countries ;
Cf. mātitān, māt nukurti
See also : lišānu, mātu, ummatu, bētu