eṣāru [ḪUR : ] (D :
: wuṣṣurum)
1) to draw , to make a (magical) drawing -on a wall, flour ...- , design ;
2) to depict (on a bas-relief) , to describe , to portray ;
3) to characterize + , to envisage + , to figure + , to form + , to imagine + , to paint , + to represent + , to typify + , to epitomize + (?) ;
4) divination : (stative) to be drawn (stars, markings on liver ;
5) to prescribe death (as a punishment ?) ;
6) : to cross out a tablet ;
Cf. uṣurtu, eṣru, iṣurtu, iṣratu, ēsiru, mēṣiru, uṣṣuru (1), eṣrātu, eṣurtu
See also : šâṭu *, gišḫurru, liṭṭu, ṣibūtu, šibqu, kipdu, ṣubbû, rab šiknāni, kaṣāpu