ṭēmu [UMUŠ : ] (n. ; pl. ṭēmū, ṭēmētu)
[Moral life]
1) (fore)thought , plan(ning) , design / aim / dessein / decision / purpose (of gods) , the will ;
ṭēmu ṣabātu : to take a decision ;
2) understanding , intellect , instruction ;
3) (gods, humans) : reason , rational thought , opinion , common sense / judgement ;
miqit ṭēmi : loss of reason / insanity (?) ;
4) : disposal / disposition (of somebody) ;
5) an instruction , an order , a code / an ordinance / a decree ;
ṭēmu šakānu : to convey an instruction , to give order / to brief , to govern / run / manage ;
6) a report , an information , news , History + ;
bēl ṭēmi : a reporter / person making a report ;
ṭēmu turrum : to deliver a report / to report , to learn / hear / see news of ;
: an agreement , good relations , a modus vivendi (?) ;
lā rāš ṭēmi : unreasonable , unrealistic , senseless ;
miqit ṭēmi : despair , desperation , loss of reason / going out of one's mind , insanity ;
mutīr ṭēmi : information officer ;
ṣibit ṭēmi : action , decisive action , reaction / response ;
šanê ṭēmi : change of mind , vacillation , wavering , waffling , hesitating ;
šikin ṭēmi : commandant , command , decisive authority ;
šikin ṭēmūtu : commandership ;
šulum ṭēmi : sanity , mental health , common sense / realism (?) ;
Cf. ṭêmu, ṭēmītu, ṭēmānu, ṭēmūtu
See also : murqu, pakku, mu ' ṭa ' ' imu, šakin ṭēmūtu, tiniu +, šu ' ītu +, malḫamtu +