parāsu [KUD : ] (vb. a/u)
1) to cut off , offerings, sustenance : to withhold , evil : to keep away ;
ennemy ... : šēp X parāsu : to exclude , to keep off , not to let into / to forbid access to land, temple ... ;
2) child : to wean ;
3) person, animal, grain : to select , pick out , timespan : to set aside , money : to earmark (?) ;
4) tears, diarrhoea : to stop , to dry ;
5) access : to block , to bar , alakta parāsu : to block the way;
6) journey, activity, parturition, noise of humanity ... : to cut off , to abolish , to break off , to discontinue , to cancel / to abort plan ? ;
7) part of the body, space, container : to divide up , to section , to partition ;
8) god : to set at variance a human with ;
9) to decide / to determine , see šiāmu ;
dīna parāsu to reach decision, to judge ;
absolute : to arbitrate between persons , to serve as an umpire (?) ;
10) watercourse, manpower ?, traffic ?, funds ?, supplies ? : to divert ;
11) warkata parāsu to investigate , to establish facts ;
: eli / elina muḫḫi X parāsu : to decide against , to condemn to + accusative ;
Cf. paras, ašar šēpu parsat, parsu
Comparison with other Semitic languages :