zaqāpu [GIŠ.GUB : ]
[City → Buildings]
1) to erect , to fix upright statue, stele, door, standard ... , to plant , to make a bed , to impale , penis : to be erected / to have a hard on , stative : needle, potsherd, mountain, eyes, hair, breast, vein , penis... : is upright , preterit often asqup / išqup ;
2) to set up , to strengthen the weak ;
3) to impale on a stake , to crucify ;
4) to planter date-grove, trees, fields ;
5) : legal : to pay an indemnity for , to pay a fine ;
: intransitive : enemy : to rise up , to attack , to appear , witness : to appear , to show up to testify , snake : to rise up threateningly ;
D : [GUB :
] : to erect object , to lift up / to make protrude parts of the body , to flex one's muscles , one's chest : to fill / to stick out / to puff out / to swell out the chest ;
Cf. zaqīpu, zaqpu, zaqiptu, ziqpu, ziqpa, ziqipta, zāqipānu, zāqipūtu, zāqipānūtu, muzzaqqipu, zuqiqīpu, zuqiqīpānu, zuqaqīpāniš