paṭāru [DUḪ : ] (vb. a/u)
G. to loosen, untie ; to clear away ; to vacate (a place) ; to uncover(a part of the body) ; to slacken, relax ; stat. : to be loose ; to disperse (troops) ; to break (a contract) ; to dispel ; to free, release, emancipate ; to cancel, discontinue ; to find the reciprocal (Mathematics) D = G [DUḪ.MEŠ : ] ; to unhitch ; to separate, cut off ; to clear away ; to dismantle, loosen ; to solve, resolve (Mathematics) ; to release, set free, ransom ; to forgive ŠD.
to disperse (a battle)
See also : rāqu, riāqu, zakû, durāru, šubarrû, e ' iltu