ṭūbu [DÙG : , DÙG.GA :
] (n. ; tubbu)
[Moral life → Conscience]
1) goodness ; happiness , prosperity , free will ; 2) (especially plural) : good times , prosperity , good relations , peace ; 3) contentedness , satisfaction , comfort ; [ṭūbu libbi / kabatti] : "well-being of the heart / liver" , mental well-being , peace of mind , serenity ; [ṭūbu šīri] : physical well-being ;
Cf. ṭiābu, ṭubbātiš, ṭābu, ṭūbu
See also : šīru, kabattu, tābtu, ṭūbātu, ṭūbtu, taknû, nēḫtu
Comparison with other Semitic languages :