ilu  [DINGIR : ]  (n. ; pl. ilū, ilānu)


god , deity ; bēt ilāni : the house of gods ; il āli : the god of the city / city god ; ilānû : favored by the gods ; ilu rabiu : a great god ; illil: the highest god / the supreme god / the god of gods ; bēt ili : the house of the god ; ṣalam ili : the image of the god ; angubbû : a standing god ; ilu mušallimu : a tutelary god ; iltu / ištāru : a goddess ; ilūtu : divinity / being a god ; ša lā ilāni : godless , impious , ungodly ; (ša) kī ili : godlike , divine ; nūrtānu : like Ninurta / divine ; (ša) ili : godly , pious , devout , believer (?) ; ilāni : the gods ; ilumma ! : by God ! palāḫu : to serve (a god) ; šār ilāni : l'esprit des dieux ;

Variants : ilā ' u

See also : ilā ' u

Comparison with other Semitic languages :