qurbu ( : qarbu ; feminine : qurubtu)
neighbouring , in the vicinity , in the neighbourhood , nearby , present , at hand , available , handy ;
1) (time) near , nigh , imminent , impending , forthcoming ;
: [ana ūmē qurbūtim] : within a short time , before long
2) (space) near , nigh , not far , in the neighborhood , in the vicinity
: close
: a follower , a retainer , a disciple (?) , a servant , a relative , a kin
: (commodity) available , on hand , at one's disposal ;
qurbu ana : akin , cognate , related to ;
qurbu ina libbi : implicated , involved ;
qurbu ina muḫḫi : applicable , pertinent , relevant to , related to ;
lā qurbu : a) absent , unavailable , not at hand , absentee , b) irrelevant , unconcerned , beyond the scope of a subject ;
See also : qerēbu, qurbiš, qurbūtu, šē ' i bābi *, bēl taḫūmi, bābtu, qurrubu
Comparison with other Semitic languages :