1) body, land, object, garment : to cut off , to parcel out , to divert , to hew , to divide , to tear off , to separate , statue : to hew / to carve ;
2) money : to deduct , to drop the rate of change ;
static : batiq : is too low ;
awatam batāqu : to deal with a matter / to take care of a matter / to handle a matter ;
3) a dyke : to cut through , to pierce , to divert water into a canal ;
4) work :
: to interrupt / to stop ,
: to break off , to depart ;
: to denounce , to bring accusations , to accuse ;
bitqē batāqu : porter des accusations , accuser , dénoncer ;
: bēl batāqi : an informer ;
6) D : parts of a body, garments, trees, ropes : cut off / severed / lopped off , corpse : cut up ;
Cf. batqu, batiqtu, bitqu, bitiqtu, butiqtu, butuqtu, bātiqu
See also : batiqtu, bitqu, ubburu, naqāru, karātu, kašātu, nakāsu, para ' u, parāsu, qadādu