tabāku [DUB : ] (tapāku ;
: preterit : asbuk)
1) to pour out , to lay flat (liquids, grain, straw) , to lay (bricks) , to lay down (weapons, corpses ...) , to spill ; 2) to shed (to lose) life , to expunge , to atone for (sins) , to pay off (debt, illness ...) 3) to infuse (silence , fear ...) 4) to flood , to submerge (field ...) with water 5) (D) to excrete , to defecate , to shit , to be afraid , to die 6) (Š) to cause the ennemy to lay weapons down , to cause to spew out , to cause to vomit , to cause to slaver 7 (N) to be poured out (liquid , stream) , to be laid down (liquid, grain ...) , to be eroded (brickwork) , to be expunged (sins ...) , to be instilled (fear ...) , to be inspired (fear ...) 8) (Ntn) to repeatedly swoop on (birds of prey, demons ...) (?) 9) (extispicy) a feature of lung
Cf. tubku, tabku, tibku, tubbuku, tubukkû, natbābu, natbaktu, tatbīku, tabākattam