barû (1) [IGI.KÁR : ] ([ideo]IGI.TAB ; col (BA.AN.)Ē ; ext MÁŠ)
[Human → Senses]
1) to see , to behold , to watch ;
2) to read a tablet , to check through
3) (deity) : to oversee , to watch searchingly , to manage ;
4) (+ bīru) : to perform divination ;
Gtn : to see repeatedly
Gt : to look at thoroughly
D : to announce something to somebody , to notify something to somebody , to apprise someone of something , to put in the loop , to keep posted ;
Š : to make someone (+ accusative) see something) , to cause someone to experience (misdeeds, anger ...) , to make someone see a dream , to reveal to someone in a dream ;
See also : bārû, barû (2), bārītu, bārûtu, bari-, barītu, bīru (1), biri-, birâ, birūyu, birītu, birīt, birûtu, tabrītu, mubarrû, mubarrītu, nabrītu (3)