pašāru [BÚR : ]
1) release , to free , to set free
2) to loosen (soil) -to till - (?), to dehusk( grain) , to loosen (a knot)
3) : to dispose of -=to sell- (grain, comodities, slaves, land ...)
: to convert into foreign currency
: to free (a captive)
6) to resolve (dispute ...) ,to solve (a misunderstanding ...) , to undo (a spell) , to release from (an oath) , to dissipate (anger) , to interpret (a dream)
: to free one's feet , to move off , to disengage oneself, to withdraw
: (stative) : to be free from anxiety (heart) , to be appeased , to be at ease , to forgive (?) , to be reconciled
9) (Urartu) : to dedicate an animal to a god
: Gt : to mutually disclose desires
11) D : to dispel , to disperse (clouds, evil , spell ...) , to unravel (thread ...) , to disseminate (lies ...) ;
12) see also ḫakāmu (Š) / lamādu (D) / pašāqu (D) : to explain , to give an explanation , to expound (?) , to clarify (?) / to illustrate (?) ;
Cf. pišru, pašru, pašartu, pāširu, ša pašāri, pašāru