ṣītu [È : ] (ṣētu
; plural : ṣiātu)
1) exit , sunrise , issue , outlet ;
2) exit , issuance (abcess, spring-water ...) , gushing , (place of) origin ;
3) (new) growth (plant) , revival (?) , renewal (?) , upsurge (?), that originating from (trees , mountains , person from womb - ūru - ;
ṣīt libbi : offspring , progeny , descendant , son (?) , daughter (?)
ṣīt pî : utterance , words from the mouth , quote (?) , quotation (?) ;
4) [UTU.È : ]: sunrise , (also time of day) , the East ---------> ṣī šamši ;
5) issue (of commodities ...) ;
6) [ZI.GA :
] : debit , loss ;
7) departure (of somebody) ;
8) ṣītu rašû : to make off , to decamp ;
: [BA.ZI :
] : exit tax ;
: ṣīt kišādi : neck opening ;
See also : ṣīātu, ṣītiš, ṣītān, ṣiātiš, ṣī šamši