egēru (patālu)
[Moral life → Fault]
1) : to lie transversely across ;
2) G : (of an animal across a person / another animal) ;
3) to be perverse , to be difficult , to be headstrong (?) ;
: (of an ennemy) to continually thwart , to harass (?) ;
5) Gt : to lie across each other , to be crossed over (animals, parts of liver) , to be in disagreement with , to differ with ;
6) (heart) : to be perverse , to be wrong ;
7) D (magic) : to twist the feet of a figurine ;
8) Š : (meaning unclear) ;
9) Št : [GIL] : to cross feet over each other ;
10) N : to limp (?) , to go lame (?) , to hobble ;
11) Ntn : (medecine) : -feet- to continually cross over each other (?) , to have a speech defect (tongue) / to stammer / to stutter / to falter / to stumble , -animals- to continually cross a path (?) ;
Gt : to be perverse , to be twisted , to be crossed ;
See also : egru, patālu, etguru, tēgirtu, egāru