ḫaṭû [LAL : ] (vb. i/i)
[Moral life → Fault]
1) G. to harm, do wrong towards s.o. (+ana) D = G Š. to cause s.o. to neglect ; to sin , to violate ;
2) stative : is faulty / defective / unsatisfactory / bad / failing / amiss ;
3) to be neglectful , to neglect (work ...) , to omit / to overlook a line ... ;
4) : to spoil , to destroy / to ruin ;
Dt (words) : [LAL.MEŠ :
] : to be misspoken ;
6) Š : a) to cause someone to neglect b) to lead someone into wrongdoing ;
7) N : to be neglected ;
See also : nēku
Comparison with other Semitic languages :