nasāḫu (2) [ZI : ]
[City → Administration]
1) G : to tear out ;
2) to pull out plants, nails , to pull out (of a cover...) , to draw / unsheath sword , to uproot (foundations, building ...) , to weed out , to dig up , to excavate earth , to extract , to tear out eyes, organs ... ;
3) stative with libbu : is torn out , is abolished / extinct kingship, seed ;
4) to take away , to remove , to exterminate / wipe out humans , to pull off / to take off clothes, headgear , to clear out an oven, a canal , to dredge a canal , to eradicate the seat of a disease , to remove a spell , to cast off a demon ;
5) to raise a tax , to withdraw money ;
6) to take away (animals, booty) , to disinherit , to evacuate a city , to deport someone , to send someone away , to dismiss / fire / to kick out of office / to give the sack , to transfer (from a service) , to dethrone , to unseat / overthrow (a government ) , to move (to another residence) ;
7) to dismiss / to quash (a charge) ;
8) to remove obstacles , to take a burden from someone , to relieve someone of a burden , to lighten a load;
9) a matter, business :awātu : to dispose of / to deal with / to handle a matter (awātu) , to get done with / to take care of / to settle ;
10) to copy (a text) ;
11) : to carry out (a sacrifice) ;
: to subtract , to deduct , to extract , (aussi [BA.ZI]) , [nāsiḫ šiddim , pūtim] : the subtrahend , the number to deduct / be subtracted ;
13) (with [qātu]) : to take away (one's hand) (= to deprive someone of help / to deny someone one's help) , to refuse / deny someone partnership in a business venture , to reject surety / to refuse to vouch for someone (?) ;
14) to strike (a tent) (= to raise camp , to depart , to set out , to hit the road -?-) ;
15) (time) : to pass , to elapse [BA.ZAL(.LA)] ;
16) Gtn : to repeatedly draw / unsheath ;
17) D: [ZI.ZI;ZI.MEŠ] 1) to uproot , to tear out , to draw , to copy ; 2)
: to extract from one's heart (= to invent , to make up , to fabricate , to frame , to forge -?- , to imagine -?-)
See also : nasḫu, nisḫu (1), nisḫatu, nisiḫtu, nusḫu (2), nasīḫu, nasiḫūtu, nāsiḫu, nusāḫu, nassiḫu, nussuḫu, tassuḫtu