lawû (2) [NIGIN : ] (
: lamû ;
: lawā ' u(m) ;
: labā ' u / labû : ; perfect : assibi)
[Army → War]
1) to surround , to besiege , to encircle something with (= accusative or ina) a wall / an ornament / (magic) lime / flour / (astronomy) a halo (tarbāṣa) ;
2) to encircle , to besiege (city, ennemy ...) , to blockade (?) ;
3) to wrap up (in cloth, string) ;
4) to go round in survey (cult, animals) ;
5) (Nuzi) : to walk round the land of someone (witness) ;
6) : to keep company with (= [itti]) , to hang around with (?) ;
7) (parts of liver, weather, incense) : to turn / veer round , to change quickly / completely ;
Gtn : 1) (demon) : to continually encircle / to assail / to torment somebody ;
2) (parts of liver) : to repeatedly be wound round ;
Gt :
: to be wound round each other ;
3) stative ([tilmi]) : is surrounded ;
D : to surround ,
: to wrap ;
Š : (Nuzi) : [NIGIN.MEŠ] : 1) to encircle a building with a wall / an ornament / brickwork ;
2) to cause to besiege ;
3) to make / have someone walk round , (Nuzi) to survey a field ,
: to bring by circuitous route ;
N : 1) to be besieged :
: to embrace one another , to hug one another ;
Cf. labû (2)
See also : esāru, nītu, lawû (1), labītu, lawītu, lāmû, liwītu, līmu (2), limûtu, mušelwû, nalbētu, nalbân, talmītu