liwītu ( : limītu ;
: libītu ;)
[City → Buildings]
1) : packaging , wrapping ;
2) circumference , the rim (eyes, armour, chariot) ;
3) limits , extent , span , area (field, building) ;
: [ina liwītu ūmmima] : within the compass of one day ;
5) enclosure , fence (roud a field / garden) , [igār liwītu] : enclosure wall ;
6) the environs / surroundings (of a city, a palce, a canal) ,
: surrounding area ;
: the entourage / people around (a king) ;
See also : nītu, lawû (1), labītu, lawītu, lāmû, liwītu, līmu (2), limûtu, mušelwû, nalbētu, nalbân, talmītu