eṣēru [ḪUR : ]
[Art → Drawing]
1) to draw , to design ;
2) G : (frequently with [uṣurtu]) : to make a (magical) drawing on a wall or flour , to draw a plan (of building) , to depict on a bas-relief ;
stative : is drawn (stars in the sky, markings on liver) , plan / design / schemes favourable for someone ;
3) to form / to plan (?) a wall (or the building of a city) , to prescribe death (as a punishment ?) ;
4) : to cross out a tablet ;
D :
: [wuṣṣuru] ;
Cf. eṣāru
See also : eṣru, iṣurtu, uṣurtu, iṣratu, ēṣiru, mēṣiru, uṣṣuru (1)