etāqu [DIB : ] (
: preterit also ītuq ;)
[Humanities → Geography]
1) to go past , to pass by , to go through , to cross over ;
2) to proceed along , to advance , to go ahead , to move on / onward , to continue , to proceed further ;
3) to go past (a city) / to parade (past the king) / (bird) to fly past a ship ;
4) (time, days ...) : to pass (by) / to fly , (date, deadline, eclipse...) to fly past / to miss ( too late) , to be overdue / be late for a payment ;
5) (mountain, river, border) : to cross (over) ;
6) (limits, regulation, law, treaty ...) : to transgress / break / to go beyond / to exceed / to override / not to heed / to ignore ;
7) Š : to bring over , to convey , to transmit , to transfer , to forward (letter ...) , to carry out a ritual ( takpertu) , to channel (a watercourse) , to pass a ship through control / to (have) inspect(ed) ;
8) (evil, illness ...) : to avert / to ward off / to make pass by , to bypass , to forestall , to skip , to parry (?) , to avoid ;
9) (time) : to allow to go past / to pass / to while away ;
10) to make transcend / to exceed (quality, size, rank ...) , to over + (verb) -overdo, overwork, oversleep ...- (?) ;
11) Štn : to keep on ignoring / to ingnore continually ;
ina etāqu muḫḫi : to oblige / compel / force / to push someone ;
lā etāqi : impassable ;
sārē etāqu (Š) : to sweep the floor , to sweep up ;
ūmu etāqu (Š) : to pass time , to while away ;
12) : (word, boundary) : be transgressed ;
13) : to be made to move on , to be resettled / forced out of one's home / be deported ;
See also : ētiqu, ētiqtu, mētequ, mēteqtu, mūtaqu, mušētiqtu, šūtuqu, šūtuqtu, šūtuqūtu