aḫu (2)
[Human → Body]
1) an arm , the side ;
aḫu nadû : to drop one's arm / be lazy ;
nadê aḫu rašû : to become negligent ;
uppi aḫu : the armpit ;
birti aḫu : the chest (?) ;
2) the handle / the arm (of an instrument) ;
3) : (dual) : strength , ability ;
4) [GÚ :
] : side , seashore , a river bank , the edge (city,field) , the wing (of an army) , the flank (of an animal) ;
aḫu šattim : the turn / beginning of the (financial) year ;
aḫu ana aḫu : side by side ;
(ina) aḫu : beside , at ;
: a part , a share , one half ;
aḫātu (plural feminine) : a partner , an associate , a joint proprietor ;
: aḫānu (plural masculine) : arm-fetters (?) , the wings of a building (?) ;
7) a sleeve / a flap (of a garment) , armour : a mail-armlet ;
8) nīd aḫi : negligence , laxity , I-don't-care attitude ;
See also : durā ' u, idu, isḫu (3), izirû, kappu (2), kibru, ahātu (2)