ṣabātu [DAB : ] (vb. a/a)
1) to seize, to grasp, to clasp, to grip, to clutch ;
2) to apprehend, to arrest, to capture , to catch , to take hold of , to confiscate / to commandeer / to requisition ;
3) to take upon oneself / to take charge of , to undertake , to take over / to take on / to take up ;
4) to conceive ;
5) to adopt ;
ina libbi ṣabātu to plan
6) Gt : to wrestle ;
7) D : to fasten , to fix in place / to set / to affix ;
8) Š : to install , to put in place , to set up , to settle , to prepare , to make ready , to equip , to furnish , to provide with , to supply with , to provision ;
Gt. to hold one another, wrestle ; to engage in litigation D = G ; to bind, set, enclose Dtn. to take possession repeatedly Š. to equip, provide ; to install, put in place ; to ignite ; to settle ; to make s.o. do sth., start to do sth. Št1. to be started (work) Št2.
to gather up ;
to get sth. ready ; to execute (a decision) N. to be seized ;
to seize one another, litigate Nt = Gt Ntn.
to be repeatedly in litigation
Cf. ṣābitu, ṣābitūtu, ṣābitānu, ṣabbutītu, ṣabtu, ṣibittu
Comparison with other Semitic languages :