kīam [UR5.GIM : ] (kī + am)
1) thus , therefore , consequently , accordingly (?) , hence (?) ;
2) way of speaking / writing / calculating , etc . , and so on and so forth ;
šī lū kīam : so be it (for ever) ;
: šumma lā kīamma : if it is not the case , otherwise ;
: ū lā kīa : if it is not the cas , otherwise ;
: kīam-ma : just so , in the same way , in like manner ;
: it is ;
warḫum kīam : it has been one month ;
(+ suffixe) : kīašša : she is like that ;
4) (after preposition) : ina / ana kīam : hence , in consequence , consequently ;
: akkīam : hence , in consequence , consequently ;
: ikkêm : par conséquent , en conséquence ;
aššum kīam : for that reason / purpose , with that aim ;
5) kīam ... kīam : once , another time , now ... then ;
6) person : kīam kīam : So-and-so ;
: price inquiry : how (much -is it-) ? ;
Cf. akia, kiā ' im, kīaššu, kī