simtu [ME.TE : ]
1) before abstract words : appropriate symbol characteristic , allegory ;
simtu balāti : material substance symbolizing / representing life , bread ;
simtu tanādātim : tangible sign and assurance of fame , inscriptions ;
simtu tāḫāzi : appropriate to battle , horse maneuvres ;
simtu mītūti : proper attribute of the dead , the grave ;
simtu (divine name) : the proper person for the deity , the king ;
: animals , women ;
simtu ēkallim : palace property ;
simāti(m) šitakkunu(m) : to adorn (temples) in an appropriate manner / befittingly / properly ;
plural : proper customs ;
lā simtu : not appropriate , pig ;
lā simtu ēkurri : not proper to a temple , unbefitting for a temple ;
ašar lā simātešu : a place inappropriate for him , a place unbefitting to him ;
2) person, thing : worthy of ;
Cf. wasāmum