mû (1) [A.(MEŠ) : ] (n. pl., obl. mê ; aussi [A.ḪI.A :
1) water ;
mê kabrūtim : a mass of water , waters in large quantity ;
mû nāri : river water ;
ritual : mû qāti : water for (washing) the hands ;
2) dew ;
mû mūši : dew ;
3) in names of canals ;
4) a watering place bathing, washing, irrigation ... ;
5) body, plants ... : bodily fluid , amniotic fluid , secretion , sap of a plant , gall ;
mê marti : bitter waters / gall ;
6) cooking : broth ;
mê šēri : meat broth ;
7) in representations as a decorative element
: designation of gold, textiles : ša mā ' īšu ;
Comparison with other Semitic languages :