1) to push away , to push down , to smash , to abolish ;
qātam napāṣu : to push someone's hand away / = to refuse one's consent / to disagree / not to give the nod ;
2) limbs : to convulse , to jerk , to quake ;
3) grain ... : to crush ;
4) to beat someone up ;
5) : payments : to defer ;
6) Gtn : jaws, lips : to snap repeatedly ;
7) D : to crush grain , to smash door , wings to beat / to flap ;
8) enemies, offspring ... : to kill , to smite , to crush ;
: defer payment ;
10) Dt : to thrash about , to throw oneself around ;
Cf. napṣu, nipṣu, nappāṣu, nuppuṣu, tappīṣu