šanû (4) [MAN : ]
1) road, border, position, work, appearance, price, disease, words, plans ... : to be changed / modified / altered / transformed , to vary , to evolve , to develop , to be fickle / to change / to become different / to turn , to be transformed , to metamorphose ;
ṭēm X išanni : the mood of X changes ;
šanê ṭêmi : a change of mind / reconsidering , a vacillation / a hesitation / demuring , a scruple (?) ;
libbum šanû : a change of heart ;
2) : to diverge from somebody , to differ from , to go different ways ;
3) Gtn : especially with ṭēmum : to keep changing / to change continually , to be unstable (?) / fickle (?) ;
4) Gt : is contradictory / inconsistent ;
5) D : to change ,
: [GI.GI :
] , to change position of border stones, dwelling, mind ṭēmu(m), heart libbu ;
6) statif : is very different / strange / funny / odd / queer ;
: to be postponed / procrastinated (?) ;
Cf. šāniu