nê ' u
1) transitive : to turn back , intransitive : to turn back / to turn tail ;
irtam nê ' u : a) "to turn someone's breast" / to put to flight / to cause to flee , b) reflexive : to flee , to turn tail ;
2) an oath : to counteract , to deflect / to neutralize / to thwart (?) / to frustrate (?) / to foil (?) / to resist (?) / to hinder (?) / to forestall (?) , to hinder (?) / to check (?) / to curb (?) , to obviate (?) , bleeding ... : to staunch / to stop , hunger : to satisfy / to quell , to allay , to assuage ;
3) D : to be turned back , ship : to capsize , to overturn ;
Cf. muneḫḫu, nu ' ' u, munē ' u