ša ' ālu
[Human → Speech]
1) to ask , to consult , to interrogate , to question , to ask about , to inquire , to ask for ;
= šâlu(m) : šulum X šâlu(m) : to ask after X's health / : to call to reckoning , to punish ;
Gtn : to interrogate , to cross examine ;
Gt + accusatif : to ask oneself , to wonder , to consider , to reflect about / to ponder ;
D : to cross-examine ;
N : to be questioned ;
2) to beg , to borrow , to entreat ;
Cf. šāltum, šā' ilu, šā ' iltu, šitūlu, šitūltu, maš ' alu, maš ' altu, muštālu, muštālūtum
See also : eṭāru, ina pūḫi, ša ' ālu, ana pūḫi našû