saḫāru [NIGIN : ] (vb. u/u)
G. to turn, turn to / to favour / to care for , to turn back -army- , to turn one's coat / change political allegiance , to do again / to redo , to turn to someone's side / to align oneself with / to side with ; to seek , to go round in search of , to search for , to seek out / to bewitch someone ; to tarry ; to concern oneself about (+ana) D. to send s.o. around ; to make come back Š. to make s.o. tarry ; to have (a place) surrounded Št. to surround sth. on all sides N. to come back ; to turn towards s.o. ;
hend. : to do sth. again
See also : saḫru, saḫertum, seḫru, siḫirtu, saḫāri, sāḫiru, sāḫertu, saḫḫaru, saḫḫiru, sāḫertu, saḫḫaru, saḫḫiru, saḫḫertu, suḫḫuru, suḫḫuru, suḫurra ' um, masḫaru, masḫartum, mussaḫru, mussaḫḫiru, nasḫuru, šusḫuru, šusḫurtu, šusḫurtu, tasḫīru, tasḫirtu
Comparison with other Semitic languages :