Select entry :
- kakkubu rabû : [Sky → Astronomy] a meteor , a meteorite
- māru rabû : [Human → Family] elder son
- rabû (1) : G. to grow up ; to grow, get bigger ; stat. : to be big Gtn. to grow constantly, become great D. to raise, bring up (a child) ; to increase Dt. to be made superior to s.o. Š. to make great ; to extend ; to raise, bring up (a child) ; to promote s.o. ; to magnify, praise s.o. Štn. to be constantly magnified ŠD = Š N. to swell, become enlarged Ntn. to accumulate constantly (interest) Rt. to increase occasionally (Mathematics)
- rabû (2) : [Sky → Astronomy → Planets] planet : to set
- rabû : big ; major ; old, adult ; noble ; st.constr. : chief, overseer