
1) to open , to bare , to disclose, to expose , to reveal , to uncover , to unmask , to unseal , to unveil , to unfold , to unfurl , to unravel , to unwind , to unwrap ; libbu patû : "to open the heart" / to unburden the heart , to give satisfaction ; ḫallu patû : to "open the thighs" / to sit astride / to ride a horse ... ; idē patû : "to open the hands" / to get ready for battle ; 2) to distance oneself ; (D) to dismiss , to discharge , to fire , to lay off , to remove from office , to sack ; (D) to found ;

See also : patiu, pattūtu, bamāti *, ṣēru, nabrarû *, tarpašû, naptû, apu, pētu,