Eastern Syriac :ܟܬܵܒ݂ܵܐ ܕܚܲܫ̈ܚܵܬܹܐ
Western Syriac :ܟܬܳܒ݂ܳܐ ܕܚܰܫ̈ܚܳܬܶܐ
Root :ܟܬܒ
Eastern phonetic :kta: wa: d ḥaš ' ḥa: té
Category :noun
[Humanities → Language]
English :see also ܦܘܼܫܵܩ ܡܹܠܹ̈ܐ : a thesaurus / a book of words and their synonyms , a lexicon / a dictionary of words ;
French :voir aussi ܦܘܼܫܵܩ ܡܹܠܹ̈ܐ : un thésaurus / un dictionnaire de mots / un lexique , un dictionnaire de synonymes ;
Dialect :Eastern Syriac

Cf. ܟܬܒ, ܡܲܟܬܘܼܒ݂ܹܐ, ܟܬܵܒ݂ܵܐ ܕܕܵܘܝܼܕ, ܟܬܵܒ݂ܘܼܢܵܐ, ܟܵܬܘܿܒ݂ܵܐ, ܡܟܲܬܒ݂ܵܢܵܐ, ܟܵܬܵܒ݂ܵܐ, ܟܬܵܒ݂ܵܝܵܐ, ܡܲܟܬܲܒ݂ ܙܲܒ݂ܢܵܐ, ܡܲܟܬܘܿܒ݂ܹܐ, ܟܵܬܹܒ݂, ܟܬܵܒܹ̈ܐ ܩܲܕܝܼܫܹ̈ܐ, ܟܬܵܒܲܝ ܩܘܼܕܫܵܐ, ܟܬܵܒ݂ܵܐ ܕܩܸܪܝܵܢܵܐ, ܟܬܵܒ݂ܵܐ, ܚܫܲܚܬܵܐ

See also : ܦܘܼܫܵܩ ܡܹܠܹ̈ܐ

Source : Bailis Shamun