Eastern Syriac : | ܡܲܣܸܡ ܒܵܠܵܐ ܥܲܠ |
Western Syriac : | ܡܰܣܶܡ ܒܳܠܳܐ ܥܰܠ |
Root : | ܣܘܡ |
Category : | verb |
English : | transitive ; see also ܣܲܘܣܹܐ / ܝܲܨܸܦ / ܥܵܢܹܐ ; a sick person, a horse, one's own affairs ... : to tend / to apply oneself to the care of , to watch over / to have uppermost in one's mind the welfare / the proper functioning of , a sheep ... : to have charge of / to take charge of , to be the caretaker of / to be the overseer of , horse : to groom ; |
French : | transitif ; voir aussi ܣܲܘܣܹܐ / ܝܲܨܸܦ / ܥܵܢܹܐ ; une personne malade, un cheval, ses affaires ... : s'occuper de / soigner / garder , entretenir, surveiller , avoir en tête le bien-être / le bon fonctionnement de , cheval : panser / étriller ; |
Dialect : | Eastern Syriac |
Cf. ܣܘܡ, ܣܵܐܸܡ, ܣܵܝܸܡ, ܣܝܵܡܵܐ, ܡܲܣܸܡܵܢܵܐ, ܣܝܵܡܝܼܕܵܐ, ܡܲܣܘܼܡܹܐ, ܣܝܵܡ ܒܵܠܵܐ, ܡܲܣܸܡ ܒܵܠܵܐ ܥܲܠ, ܡܲܣܸܡ, ܒܵܠܵܐ, ܥܲܠ
See also : ܣܲܘܣܹܐ, ܝܲܨܸܦ, ܥܵܢܹܐ
Source : Bailis Shamun