Eastern Syriac :ܩܛܵܒ݂ܵܐ
Western Syriac :ܩܛܳܒ݂ܳܐ
Root :ܩܛܒ
Eastern phonetic :' qṭa: wa:
Category :verb
English :1) to pick an argument / quarrel , kicking up a row (?) ; 2) to put on clothing , to get dressed , to dress ; 3) Bailis Shamun ; intransitive : to polarize / to become polarized , to become increasingly contarsted ;
French :1) chercher querelle , commencer une dispute ; 2) s'habiller , revêtir des habits / vêtements , se vêtir , habiller (?) vêtir (?) ; 3) Bailis Shamun ; intransitif : se polariser , devenir de plus en plus opposés / contrastés ;
Dialect :Eastern Syriac

Cf. ܩܛܒ, ܩܛܝܼܒ݂ܵܐ, ܩܘܼܛܒܵܝܵܐ, ܩܵܛܹܒ݂, ܩܘܼܛܒܵܐ, ܩܛܵܒ݂ܵܐ

See also : ܫܲܩܛܹܒ݂, ܫܲܩܛܘܼܒܹܐ

Source : Oraham, Bailis Shamun