Eastern Syriac :ܡܨܵܘܨܹܐ
Western Syriac :ܡܨܳܘܨܶܐ
Eastern phonetic :(m) ' ṣo: si:
Category :verb
[Human → Speech]
English :1) to cry out , to howl , to yelp , to whine , to wail , to screech (? , to squeal (?) ; 2) NENA : to beseech / to beg , to implore , to entreat ; 3) as Classical Syriac : to chatter as birds , to chatter / to twitter / to chirp ;
French :1) s'écrier , crier , hurler , brailler , pousser des cris perçants , glapir , geindre , vagir , se lamenter ; 2) NENA : supplier , implorer , conjurer ; 3) comme en syriaque classique : oiseaux : gazouiller , jacasser , faire cui-cui ;
Dialect :Eastern Syriac

Cf. ܡܙܵܘܙܹܐ

Variants : ܡܣܵܘܣܹܐ

Chaldaic / Chaldean צוצ : to cry out

chaldaïque / chaldéenצוצ : crier