Eastern Syriac :ܢܲܫܬܵܪ
Western Syriac :ܢܰܫܬܳܪ
Eastern phonetic :' naš ta:r
Category :noun
[Human → Disease]
English :a lancet , a small lance , a sharp pointed surgical instrument used in venesection ; ܢܲܫܬܵܪ ܕܟ̰ܲܢܓܵܠ : the barb of a fish-hook ;
French :une lancette , une petite lance , un bistouri , un instrument chirurgical utilisé lors d'une saignée ; ܢܲܫܬܵܪ ܕܟ̰ܲܢܓܵܠ : le barbillon d'un hameçon ;
Dialect :Urmiah

See also : ܡܲܣܛܵܐ, ܡܲܣܪܵܛܵܐ, ܡܲܓ݂ܙܵܪܵܐ

this masculine word is of Persian origin

mot masculin d'origine persane

Source : Oraham, Maclean

Origin : Persian