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  1. ܟܘܵܝܵܐ : 1) clothes ... : to press / to iron / to iron out , chees, books ... : to press / to squeeze to a desired density / smoothness or shape ; 2) transitive and intransitive ; see also ܟܵܘܹܐ / ܬܵܐܹܒ݂ / ܬܲܘܸܒ / ܬܵܘܹܐ / ܦܵܫܹܡ : to regret , to feel sorry for something ... , to mourn the loss or death of somebody, something ... / to miss very much , to feel sorrow at / to deplore / to feel sad about ; 3) transitive ; see also ܫܲܝܸܒ݂ / ܣܲܝܸܛ / ܟܲܡܸܫ / ܟܵܘܹܐ / ܡܲܚܪܸܟ݂ / ܟܲܪܟܸܡ / ܟܲܡܟܸܡ : to parch , to scorch / to burn the surface of / to toast under dry heat , to sear , to brand / to stamp with a red iron , figurative sense : stamping a memory , to stamp a memory / to sear a memory ; 4) see also ܩܝܘܼܕܵܐ : burning / a burn , a sear / branding , figurative sense : a lasting impression , an unforgettable memory ; ܚܵܬܡܵܐ ܕܟܘܵܝܵܐ : a sear , a brand with red iron ; 5)adjective ; = ܟܲܘܝܵܐ ;
  2. ܟܘܵܝܵܐ : 1) transitive ; see also ܫܲܝܸܒ݂ / ܣܲܝܸܛ / ܟܲܡܸܫ / ܟܵܘܹܐ / ܡܲܚܪܸܟ݂ / ܟܲܪܟܸܡ / ܟܲܡܟܸܡ : to parch , to scorch / to burn the surface of / to toast under dry heat ; 2) transitive ; see also ܫܲܝܸܒ݂ / ܟܵܘܹܐ / ܣܲܝܸܛ / ܡܲܚܪܸܟ݂ / ܡܲܩܸܕ : to sear , to burn / to scorch / to mark / to injure with a sudden application of intense heat , cooking meat : to sear (?) , wound treatment : to sear (?) to cauterize (?) , cause of pain : to sear (?) / to cause a burning sensation (?) , cattle, slaves ... : to brand / to mark with red iron , figurative sense ; image in one's memory ... : to sear / to make a vivid impression in one's memory ; 3) see also ܩܝܘܼܕܵܐ : burning / a burn , a sear / branding , figurative sense : a lasting impression , an unforgettable memory ; ܚܵܬܡܵܐ ܕܟܘܵܝܵܐ : a sear , a brand with red iron ;