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  1. ܢܵܙܹܐ : 1) tricks / play to amuse little children ; 2) see ܕܲܠܝܼܠܘܼܬܵܐ / ܡܫܲܕܠܵܢܘܼܬܵܐ : coquetry , seduction , trifling , an effort or action to attract admiration / notice / love for the gratification of vanity , making a move on / making time / cruising / looking for a sexual partner / hooking / giving a come-on / coming-on to / chasing (after girls ...) / flirting / trifling in love / chatting up / hitting on , see ܫܘܼܕܵܠܵܐ
  2. ܢܵܙܹܐ : intransitive; see also ܬܵܘܹܙ / ܩܵܙܹܙ / ܢܵܕܹܐ / ܫܵܘܹܪ : to spring , to leap / to make a series of leaps , to jump up suddenly / to leap suddenly , to pounce on something ... (?) , figurative sense ; on / at something, somebody ... : to lunge (?) , to rush (?) , to pounce on (?) ;