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  1. ܣܬܵܪܵܐ : transitive verb : 1) to tear down , to break / pull down , to demolish , to destroy , to ruin , to break up / to pull to pieces , to shatter , to batter down , to wreck / to dismantle , to level to the ground (?) , to blast away (?)
  2. ܣܬܵܪܵܐ : 1) intransitive : to stand watch / to watch , to be on sentry duty , to keep one's eyes skinned ; 2) see also ܟܲܢܸܦ / ܣܵܬܸܪ / ܣܲܢܓܸܪ / ܢܵܛܹܪ / ܚܲܡܹܐ / ܕܲܠܕܸܢ : to safeguard / to keep safe , to provide shelter / a refuge to , to protect / to watch over ; 3) transitive ; see also ܣܵܬܹܪ / ܚܲܦܹܐ / ܓܲܢܸܙ / ܟܲܣܹܐ / ܕܲܠܕܸܢ : to screen / to guard from injury or danger , to give protection / to protect / to give shelter or protection as with a screen , to separate with a screen ;