libbu [ŠÀ : ] (n. ; st. constr. libbi)
[Human → Body]
1) the heart ;
libbu patû : "to open the heart" / to unburden the heart , to give satisfaction ;
2) courage
libbu rašû : to muster courage ;
3) the stomach / belly / tummy ;
4) wish , mind , morale / determination ;
5) the center , the inside
ina libbi inside, among, in, for, on behalf of ; ina/issu libbīšunu from (among) them ; ina libbi GN in GN ; ammar illibbīni all that was in it ; issu libbi GN from GN ; note also : ina libbi inside (adverb) ;
Cf. rāš libbi, libbu nuāḫu, libbu šapālu
Comparison with other Semitic languages :