Hittite lexicon
- ā- : to be warm.
- ais (n., id. KA.U, §87) : mouth. EZEN ayari (a feast).
- ak- (II 1 a) : to die; − to be killed, destroyed. − Mid. = Act. − dSIN-as aki "the moon dies" (a moon eclipse occurs).
- akkalan : (kind of plow).
- akkant- : dead (part. of ak-).
- aggātar (n. ?) : death, ruin (id. ÚŠ).
- akkisk- : to die.
- -aku − -aku : either because − or because.
- aku- : to drink (cf. eku-, §11).
- akkusk- (I 6 a) : iterative of eku- "to drink" (§11).
- akuwakuwa- (c.) : frog ?
- akuwanna : in order to drink (from eku-).
- alanza(n)- : alder ?
- allaniya (I 4 ?) : to sweat.
- allapah- (I) : to spit. − parā a. : to spit out.
- aliyana- (c.) : roebuck, deer.
- alpā- (c.) : cloud.
- alpant- : enchanted, bewitched.
- alsant- (c.) : prisoner.
- alwanzah- (I 1 f) : to bewitch.
- alwanzatar (n., §83) : magic.
- alwanzessar (n.) : witchcraft, magic.
- ambassi- (c.) : park ?
- ammēl : Gen. of uga "I" (§96).
- ammiyant- : small, young.
- ammuk : to me; Acc.-Dat. of uga "I" (§96). Also Nom. "I" (§97a).
- anna- (c.) : mother (id. AMA, Akk. ummu). − annus attus iya- = to treat with as much consideration as a father and a mother.
- annalla- : maternal; old.
- annalli- : old.
- annanu- : to teach, educate.
- annasnant- (c.) : (part of a house).
- annauli- : at the same level, rank.
- annaz : adv. sooner, then (§117c).
- anni- : this (§117c).
- anniya- = aniya- (§19).
- aniya- (I 4) : to act, create, work, achieve; − to make grow (a plant) (id. KIN).
- aniyatt- (c., §76) : achievement, work (id. KIN-att-).
- (LÚ)anniniyami- (c.) : cousin (m.). − fanniniyami- (c.) : cousin (f.).
- annisan : adv. before, first (§117c).
- annitalwatar (n., §83) : motherhood ?
- anniti : Luwian "he achieves" (from aniya-).
- aniur (n., §80) : (religious) task.
- -anki : times (§134).
- ans- (I 1 d; II 1 b) : to wipe.
- ant- : hot.
- anda : 1. adv. in; between; next; with. − 2. postpos. in; under, between; up to.
- andan : 1. adv. in; inside. − 2. postpos. in; into.
- antara- : blue.
- antiyant- (c.) : son-in-law ?
- antu- (n.) : property.
- antuhha- (c.) = antuwahha- (§17a), antuhsa- "human being".
- antuhsa- (c.) : man, human being (id. LÚ, UKU3).
- antuhsannant- (c.) : population (id. UN.MEŠ-annant).
- antuhsatar (n.) : humanity, population.
- anturia- : indigenous, native.
- andurza : adv. inside.
- antuwahha- (c.) = antuhsa- "human being".
- anzās : to us; Acc.-Dat. of wēs "we" (§96). Also Nom. "we" (§97a)
- app- : cf. ep- (§11).
- -apa : particle of poorly known meaning.
- appa : 1. adv. after; back; again. 2. postpos. behind; up to (id. EGIR-pa).
- apā- : this; he, she (§111ff) (Akk. šū). − apāsila : himself; (§99). − apās-pat : only this. − apēz KUR-az = out of your (sg.) land.
- appan : 1. adv. behind; after. 2. postpos. behind, up to (id. EGIR-an).
- appant- : locked, prisoner (part. of ep-; §11). − LÚappant- (c.) : prisoner (of war) (id. LÚŠU.DIB).
- appanda : 1. adv. then; back; behind. − 2. postpos. up to (locally and temporally) (id. EGIR-anda).
- apata : therefore, because of that.
- apasila : personally.
- apēnissan : thus, οὕτως (§114c).
- apēnissuwant- : such, τοιοῦτος.
- apēdanda : adv. there ?
- apēz : adv. from there; consequently; except.
- appezzi- : back, last (§94f.) (id. EGIR-zi-).
- appezziyan : adv. after, then.
- appezziyaz : adv. from behind; behind around, secretly.
- apiya : adv. there; then.
- appisk- (I 6 a) : iter. of ep- "to take" (§11).
- appisziaz : in the end, at last.
- apiddaya = apāttaya "this too" (§11).
- apidda(n) : adv. there, to there; by there, with; consequently. − apidda appanda : after. − apiddan sēr : consequently.
- appizza : therefore, because of that.
- ar- (II 1 a) : to arrive; to reach. − anda ar- : to arrive (into) (anda aranda = all, what happened ?). kattan ar- : to arrive (down, toward).
- ar- (Mid. 1) : to stay; to walk; to stand; to care for s.o. − anda ar- : to walk (into); to start to do sth. appan ar- : reculer. sarā ar- : to stand up straight. − to be here.
- ara- : suitable, good. − UL ara : it is not good.
- ara- (c.) : comrade, friend.
- arra- (II 2 c) : to wash (id. ŠExNAGA, Akk. mesû).
- arahza : adv. around, outside.
- arahzanda : adv. around; outside.
- arahzena- : neighbor; foreign.
- arāi- (I 3) : to rise, revolt; to halt.
- arawa- : free (Akk. ellu).
- arha : adv. far, far away.
- arhaya(n) : adv. separately, moreother, furthermore.
- ariya- (I 4) : to study an oracle, ask an oracle.
- ariyasessar (n., §84) : oracle.
- ark- (II) : to cut up, split up.
- arkamma(n)- (c., §88a) : tribute.
- arkuwāi- (I 3) : to pray; to apologize.
- arkuwar (n., §85) : prayer. − a. essa-, iya- : to send a prayer.
- armah- (I 1 f) : to make pregnant, sleep with.
- armaniya- (Mid. 2) : to become ill (= irmaliya-; Akk. marāṣu).
- armawant- : pregnant.
- GIŠarmizzi- (n.) : bridge.
- armizziya- : to bridge.
- arnu- (I 7) : to send, address (Akk. šūluku), to bring, take away. − to pay, replace. − ZI-as arnu- : to fulfill s.o.'s desires.
- arnuwala- (c.) : prisoner of war (id. NAM.RA).
- ars- (I 1 d) : to flow. − parā ars- : to flow out.
- arsanatalla- (c.) : envious, jealous.
- arsaniya- (I 4) : to envy.
- arsiya- (Mid. 2) : to eat well, take care of oneself.
- URUDUardāla- : saw.
- arumma : adv. entirely, completely.
- aruna- (c.) : sea (id. A.AB.BA).
- arrūsa pāwar : to go...
- aruwāi- (I 3) : to prostrate oneself, worship.
- as- : cf. es- "to be" and es- "to be sat" (§11).
- as- (I 1 a) : to stay.
- asant- : being, existing; − correct, true.
- asandul- : crew.
- asandula- (c.) : garrison.
- asandulāi- (I 3) : to be with the crew.
- asandulatar (n., §83) : crew.
- assanu- (I 7) : to achieve, finish, realize, accomplish, obtain; to prepare; to put into order; to supply, provide.
- asas- = ases- : to sit (§11).
- asawar (n., §85) : enclosure.
- ases- (I 1 e) : to sit, give a seat; to settle. − andan ases- : to put into. appa ases- : to colonize again.
- asesanu- (I 7) : to settle. − appa asesanu- : to colonize again.
- asessar (n., §84) : hearing; cult; − population.
- asi- : mentioned.
- assiya- (I 4) : to love.
- assiyant- : dear, loved; friend.
- assiyatar (n., §83) : love.
- LÚasiwant- (c.) : poor.
- aska- (c.) : door. − LUGAL-as aska = court of justice, administration.
- āsma : first, at first.
- asnu- = assanu- (§26).
- EZEN asrahitassi- : (a feast).
- -asta : (particle of separation).
- astayarātar (n.): sin.
- astuhhi- (Hurrian) : feminine (Plur. astuhhina).
- assu- : good (id. SIG5, Akk. banû); agreable, pleasant. − ammuk assu : I like it. − adv. assu : well.
- assu- (n.) : goods, merchandise (id. NÍG.GA). − the good.
- assu : hello! (greeting).
- assul- (n.) : salvation, happiness, prosperity.
- assula- (c.) : favor, goodwill.
- assuli : adv. for the good; well; honestly (id. SILIM-li).
- assuwātar (n.) : goodness, kindness, friendship.
- ad- : cf. ed- "to eat".
- atta- (c.) : father. − addus DINGIRMEŠ : ancestors gods, Manes.
- attalla- : paternal.
- adanna : in order to eat (from ed-).
- atis (n.) : axe.
- TÚGadupli- (n.) : garment, dress.
- au- : cf. au(s)- "to see".
- auri- = awari- "border gard" (§17).
- LÚauriyala- (c.) : border gard.
- au(s)- (II 3) : to see. − to sustain, feel. − anda au(s)- : to look at sth; to pay attention to sth. arha au(s)- : to watch. katta au(s)- : to watch through. menahhanda au(s)- : to wait. parā au(s)- : to look (without acting), sustain, overlook, ignore.
- awan arha : far. awan katta : down.
- awari- (c.) : border guard (Akk. madgaltu).
- MUNUSMEŠ azzennas (Pl.) : (female server for religious service ?).
- azzikk- (I 6 b) : to eat again. − to adore (iter. of ed- "to eat"; §22b).
- ehu : here! − come! (used as imperative of uwa- "to come"; §164 2b). − give!
- GIŠeya(n)- (n.) : (a tree; symbol of duty exemption).
- ek- : cf. ak- "to die" (§11).
- eku- (I 1 a) : to drink.
- ekuna- : cold (Akk. kaṣû).
- ekunima- (c.) : the cold.
- eni- : the one afore mentioned (§117b).
- enissan : adv. thus (§117b).
- ep- (I 1 a) : to take, grab (Akk. ṣabātu); − to stop. − to remove. − to occupy (a place). − to take for husband/wife. − anda ep- : to bring in. − to wrap. appa ep- : to refer; to shelter. appa anda ep- : to bring in again. appan ep- : to catch from behind; to add. arha ep- : to accept (an oracle), notice. katta ep- : to remove ? menahhanda ep- : to present, to last. parā ep- : to bend. piran sarā ep- : to ask (an oracle) ? sarā ep- : to stay in position. sēr ep- : to maintain.
- er- : cf. ar- "to arrive" (§11).
- es- (I 1 a) : to be, exist. − esmi with Supine : I have to ... − apāt(-pat) esdu : "it must happen" = amen!
- es- (Mid. 1) : to sit s.o. (without -za), to sit (down) (with -za). − trans. to occupy; to settle.
- essa- (II 2 d) : to do, create, produce, realize. − to celebrate (a feast). − to liquidate = to assassinate. − eshar essa- : to spill blood.
- essar = eshar "blood" (§28b).
- esha- = isha- "lord, master" (§10).
- eshanuwant- : bloody ? (part. of esharnu- ?).
- eshar (n., §82) : blood; murder. − e. iya-, essa- : to commit a crime, to spill blood.
- esharnu- (I 7) : to make bloody. − QĀTĪ HI.A esharnu- : to become vile.
- eshaskant- : bloody.
- eslit, eslut : I want to be! (volontative of es- "to be"; §151c).
- esri- (n.) : look, appearence.
- ed- (I 1 b) : to eat. − arha ed- : to eat everything up.
- edani : (Dat. Sg. of a- "this", §116).
- edi : adv. on this side. − edi nāi- : to rebel.
- ediz : (Abl. Sg. of a- "this"). − Also adv. besides.
- hahhal : shrub, bush ?
- hahhars- : to laugh.
- DUGhakkunāi- : (a pot).
- É halentu- (n.) : (a building).
- halhaltumari- (c.) : boundary stone.
- hāliya- (I 4) : to kneel. − Mid. = Act. − kattan h. : to prostrate.
- LÚhaliyatalla- : guard of a temple.
- halissiya- (I 4) : to stuff.
- halissiyanu- : to mount, set, frame, plate; to equip.
- halki- (c.) : grain, cereal; field of cereal.
- hallu- : deep.
- halluwāi- (c.) : conflict.
- halziyauwar (n.) : calling.
- GIŠhalmasuitt- (c.) : throne (id. GIŠGU.ZA).
- haluga- (c.) : message, news, information.
- halugatalla- (c.) : messenger, ambassador.
- halupant- : bent.
- halzāi- (II 2 b) : to call, name (Akk. šasû); to call (a meeting). − sarā h. : to call up.
- halzessa- (II 2 d) = halzāi- "to call , to name; to read". − piran h. : to read aloud.
- hamenk- (I 1 e) : to attach; to link; to marry.
- hameshant- (c.) : spring.
- hanna- (c.) : grand-mother.
- hanna- (II 2 c?) : to judge, decide.
- hannessar (n., §84) : business; lawsuit (id. DI-essar, Akk. dīnu).
- hannitalwana- (c.) : adversary (in a lawsuit).
- hant- : forehead.
- hand- : sincere, honest.
- handa : adv. then, consequently.
- handāi- (I 3) : to gather; to set out, arrange; to prepare; − to notice (by an oracle); − to create a matrimonial community. − Mid. to happen, adapt; to turn out; to surrender. − katta h. : to set (a table).
- handais- (n.) : heat.
- handalliya- (I 4) : to dare, risk.
- handān : adv. indeed.
- handant- : tidy, set out (part. of handāi-).
- parā handanda- (II 2 d) : to do a miracle.
- handandatar (n., §83) : miracle.
- parā handandatar (n.) = handandatar.
- handas : postpos. according to, because of.
- parā handātar (n.) : wisdom; care.
- hantessar (n.) : cave, pit.
- hantezzi- : first (§94f) (id. IGI-zi-, Akk. mahrû). − hantezzi : adv. especially, on the first occasion. hantezziyaz : adv. previously.
- hanti : adv. separately, furthermore.
- hanti tiya- : to accuse.
- hanza(n) ep- : to greet friendly.
- hap- (Mid.) : to succeed.
- hapai- : to moisten. arha hapai- : to dry.
- happar- (n.) : trade.
- happarnuwasha- (c.) : beam of light.
- happesnāi- : to take to pieces, cut up.
- hapina- (c.) : open flame.
- happinant- : rich.
- happiriya- : town (id. URU).
- happutri- (n.) : (kind of cattle)
- har- : to hold, to have. cf. har(k)-.
- harr- (II 2 d?) : to crush.
- hara(n)- (c., §88a) : eagle.
- harrant- : crushed, spoiled, rotten (part. of harr-).
- harranu- : to crumble, crush.
- haratar (n., §32a2. §83) : blow.
- DUGharhara- (c.) : cup ?
- hāri- (c.) : valley.
- hariya : to bury.
- har(k)- (§158) : to hold, have. − anda har(k)- : to have (Akk. kullu). appa har(k)- : to keep; to have authority. parā h. : to keep. hingani h. : to condemn to death. pē h. : to preserve.
- hark- (I 1 d) : to die, collapse. Mid. = Act. arha h. : to collapse.
- harga- (c.) : damage.
- harkanna- (n.) : disappearance, death. − Gen. harkannas "he of the disappearance" = "responsible for the disappearance".
- harganu- (I 7) : to throw down, destroy, ruin, conquer, defeat, overcome (Akk. nukkuru).
- harki- : white, clear.
- harkiya- (I 4) = hark- : to collapse.
- harnamma(r) (n.) : yeast; fermentation; turmoil, rebellion.
- (kattan) harnamniya- (I 4) : to bring into turmoil, fermentation; to incite, stir up.
- harnau- (c./n.) : birth chair.
- harni(n)k- (I 5) : to throw down, destroy. − anda h. : to throw down. arha h. to throw down.
- harp- (Mid. 1) : to leave a side for another; to join with; to help.
- harpa- : heap, pile.
- harpāi- : to pile, to heap.
harpanalla : adv. hostile.
- LÚharpanalli- (c.) : opponent.
- harpu- : hostile.
- harsan- (n.) : head; person (id. SAG.DU).
- harsanallāi- (I 3?) : to crown.
- harsanalli- (n.) : crown (Akk. kilīlu).
- harsar (n.) : head.
- harsauwar (n.) : agriculture, farming.
- NINDAharsi- (c.) : thick bread loaf.
- harsiharsi- (n.) : storm.
- DUGharsiyali- (n.) : storage receptacle, pithos.
- NINDAharzazu-, NINDAharzazuta-(?) : oil-bread (NINDA.Ì.E.DÉ.A ?).
- has- : to open; to give birth (for a woman); to testify (for a man).
- hassa- (c.) : household (id. GUNNI).
- hassa hanzassa : grand-son and grand-grand-son ? (§89b).
- GIŠhassalli- (n.) : stool (id. GIŠGÌR.GUB).
- hassant- : born (part. of has- 1); − legal; − own son.
- awan katta hassant- = hassant- ?
- hassatar (n., §83) : testimony; − family, lineage. − LÚ hassannassas : "man of his family" = "his parent".
- hassik- (I 6 b) : to eat one's fill.
- hasp- (Luwian) : to remove.
- haster- : star (id. MUL).
- hassu- : king (id. LUGAL).
- hassuiznāi- (I 3) : to govern as king (id. LUGAL-uiznāi-).
- hassusara- : queen (id. MUNUS.LUGAL).
- hassuwāi- (I 3) : to govern as king (id. LUGAL-uwāi-).
- hastāi- (n.) : bone; strength, power.
- hat- (I 1 b) : to dry.
- hattāi- (II 2 c/d ? or Mid. 2) : to put to death; to cut off. − Mid. = Act.
- GIŠhattalu- (n.) : buckle (id. GIŠSAG.KUL).
- LÚhattalwala- : gate keeper, door guard.
- GIŠhattalwant- : bolt.
- hattarai- : to prick.
- hattatar (n.) : wisdom.
- hattessar (n., §84) : hole, hollow.
- hattili : adv. in (Proto-)Hatti language.
- hatk- (II 1 b) : to close.
- hatkesnu- (I 7) : to bother, disturb; to attack, plague, press; to add. − anda h. : idem.
- hatkissanu- = hatkesnu- (§26).
- hatrāi- (I 3) : to write. − to assign, name (Akk. šapāru). − appa h. : to answer (by letter).
- hatressar (n., §84) : sending; order.
- hatukes- (I 1 f) : to worsen.
- hatuki- : bad, dreadful.
- haddulah- (I 1 f) : to cleanse.
- haddulatar (n., §83) : health.
- haddules- (I 1 f) : to recover.
- haz- : (de hat-) to dry (§22b. 155).
- hazzēla- (c.) : handful (quantity).
- hazziknu- : to beat, hit, strike; to fight s.o.
- hazziya- (I 4) : to push, stab, strike.
- heyaunna : for Hurrian hiyarunna "all".
- henkan- (n.) : destiny; epidemic, plague; − death (id. UG6-kan).
- hes- = has- "to open" (§11).
- hēu- (c.) : rain.
- Éhīla- (c.) : courtyard.
- LÚhilamma- (c.) : gate keeper, door guard.
- Éhilammar (n., §86) : gate.
- hilamnant- (c.) : gate.
- hink- (I 1 d) : to present, distribute, award; to abandon; to propose; to bow, prostrate.
- huek- (I 1 c) : to swear, talk under oath.
- huek- (I 1 c) : to put to death ?
- huelpi- : adj. fresh, young, green; n. young animal.
- huernis : noun of unknown meaning.
- GIŠhuesa- (c.) : mirror.
- huhha- (c.) : grand-father. − huhhahanna- (c.) : grand-parents.
- GIŠhuhupāl- (n.) : tambourine.
- huinu- (I 7) : to cause. − piran h. : to act, to make go forward.
- huis- (I 1 a) : to live, to stay alive (id. TI).
- huisnu- (I 7) : to make alive; to keep alive; to save; to cleanse (id. TI-nu-).
- huisu- : alive; raw (meat).
- huiswāi- (I 3) : to live.
- huiswant- : alive (id. TI-ant-).
- huiswātar (n., §83) : life (id. TI-tar). − Gen. huiswannas "he of the life" = "with a long span of life".
- huitar (n., §83) : faun.
- huitessar (n.) : rheumatism.
- huittiya- (I 4) : to pull (Akk. šadādu); − to bend (a bow). − Mid. = Act. appa h. : to remove. katta h. : to denigrate. parā h. : to prefer. sarā h. : to pull up.
- LÚpiran huiyatalla- (c.) : military leader.
- huk- : to swear = huek- (§16. 156).
- hukmāi- (c.) : conjuration, incantation, raising.
- hulalessar (n.) : wrapping, winding.
- hullāi-, hulliya- (§178) : to fight; − to topple (a decree). − hullanzāin h. : to give battle.
- GIŠhulali- (n.) : distaff.
- hullanu- : to fight.
- hullanza- (c.) : battle, fight.
- hullanzāi- (c.) : battle, fight.
- GIŠhuluganni- (c.) : chariot.
- hūmant- : each, all.
- hūmantaziya : utterly, completely, entirely.
humma- : piggery.
- hūni(n)k- (I 5) : to injure, to damage, to hurt.
- hūnu- = huinu- "to cause an event" (§16).
- DUGhuppar (n., §80) : bowl, pot ?
- GADhuppara- (c.) : (a fabric). − hupra- : idem ? (§26).
- hūpigawant- : veiled.
- LÚhuprala- (c.) : (a civil servant).
- huprushi- (c.) : pot ?
- DUGhupuwāi- (n.) : (a pot).
- hurkēl (n.) : atrocity, disgust.
- hurla- (c.) : Hurrian.
- hurlili : adv. in Hurrian language.
- hurna- : to hunt.
- (d)hurnissiya : (name of a Hurrian god ?).
- hurt- = huwart- "to curse" (§17a).
- hurtāi- (c.) : curse.
- hurtallima- (c.) : opponent.
- hurwasa- : secret, clandestine.
- husk- (I 6) : to wait.
- husti- (c.) : noun of unknown meaning.
- hūda- (c./n.) : noise ?
- hūdāk : adv. immediately; suddenly. − hūdāk mahhan : at once ?
- SÍGhutulli- (n.) : wool.
- huwā(i)- (I 4 b) : to run, flee. − Mid. = Act. − katta h. : to run down. piran h. : to rush.
- huwalziya : Hurrian word of unknown meaning.
- huwanhuessar (n.) : wave, surge, flood.
- hūwant- (c.) : wind.
- hūwartā- : to swear, curse.
- huwap- (I 1 e) : to do evil.
huwappa- : evil.
- (NA4)huwasi- (n.) : grindstone; ritual monument, ritual stone (id. NA4ZI.KIN).
- -i = -e "they" (Nom. Pl. c. of -a-, §102b).
- -ya : and. cf. -a (§41a).
- iya- (I 4) : to do; to realize; to father; to celebrate (a feast); to heal (with a ritual) (id. DÙ). − KÙ.BABBAR-ya iya- : "to make silver" = "to make a fortune". − appa i. : to replace, reimburse.
- iya- (Mid. 2) : to go, march. − parā i. : to go on, draw near. piran i. : to precede.
- iyannāi-, iyanniya- (§178) : to keep walking; to act, procede. − arha i. : to leave.
- UDUiyant- (c.) : sheep.
- iyata- (n.) : abundance.
- ila- (c.) : weakness ?
- ilaliya- (I 4) : to desire, envy.
- ilan- (c.) : step, grade, rank.
- imma : adv. finally ? ; − rather, one the contrary. − UL imma : not yet, nearly. − cf. also kuis imma.
- immiya- (I 4) : to blend. − anda immiya- : to mix. − Mid. = Act.
- inan- (n.) : (a disease).
- innarah- : to make healthy.
- innarawant- : strong ?, powerful ?
- innarawatar (n., §83) : strengh ?, power ?
- innarawes- (I 1 f) : to become powerful ?
- inu- : to heat, make hot.
- irha- (c.) : side, border (id. ZAG).
- irhāi- (I 3) : to bound; to go the rounds; to deal with one after the other. − Mid. : to go to the end. − dSIN-as irhāitta = "it is the new moon".
- irma- : ill (id. GIG).
- irmalant- : ill (id. GIG-ant-). − irmalazansa = *irmalants "ill" + -a "and" (§25b).
- irmaliya- (Mid. 2) : to fall ill.
- iss- : mouth (from ais, §87).
- issa- = essa- "to realize, do".
- ishā- (c.) : master, lord (id. EN, Akk. bēlu).
- ishahruwa- (Mid. 2) : to cry (Akk. dimāti šapāku : "to weep tears").
- ishāi-, ishiya- (§178) : to commit, impose. − anda i. : to commit oneself.
- ishaltuhmeyant- (c.) : troublemaker.
- ishar = eshar "blood" (§10).
- isharish- : to fall ill with the Ishara sickness.
- ishassara- (c.) : lady.
- isheni- (c.) : hair.
- TÚGishial- (n.) : bandage.
- ishiyant- : buckled with sth (with Acc. of a garment).
- ishimana- (c.) : rope.
- ishiul- (n., §79) : link, fixing; − instruction, rule; − treaty.
- ishiullah- (I 1 f) : to teach.
- ishizziya- (I 4) : to get angry.
- ishuwāi- (II 2 c?) : to pour. − anda i. : to pour into. arha i. : to empty.
- ishuwannāi- : to pour out.
- ishuzzi- (n.) : belt.
- ishuzziya- (I 4) : to buckle; to gird oneself; to constrict.
- isih- = isiyah- (§14a).
- isiyah- (I 1 f) : to track down, pursue, chase; to report.
- isiyahhiskattalla- (c.) : scout.
- iskalla- (II 2 d? or Mid. 2) : to tear.
- isgaruh- (n., §87) : (a pot).
- isk-, iskiya- (§178) : to oint.
- iskisa- (n.) : back, reverse. − iskisaz : adv. behind.
- ispāi- (II 2 b) : to eat to one's fill.
- ispant- (c.) : night (id. GE6(.KAM)).
- ispanti- : nocturnal ?
- DUGispandu- = DUGispantuzzi-.
- (DUG)ispantuzzi- (n.) : wine ration; libation.
- (DUG)ispantuzziyala- (c.) : officiant for libation.
- ispar- (II 1 a) : to spread; to cover; to crush, tread on. − kattan i. : to cover (a road with a surface material).
- ispart- (I 1 b) : to escape; to escape alive; to remain in one piece. − sarā i. : to go up; to appear suddenly.
- ispiyatar (n., §83) : satiety.
- istamana- (c.) : ear (id. GESTUG).
- istamas- (I 1 e) : to hear; to learn; to listen; to obey (Akk. šemû).
- istanana- (c.) : (a kind of altar) (id. ZAG.GAR.RA).
- istandāi- (I 3) : to remain, stay; to hesitate, wait, tarry.
- istandant- : prescribed.
- istanza(na)- (c.) : soul, will, mind (= ZI; §88a).
- istap- : to close; to block. − appa i. : to close, lock up.
- istark-, istarkiya- (I 1 d / I 4, §178) : to fall ill.
- istarna- : center ?
- istarna : postpos. in the middle, under (where and where to). − istarna arha : "inside and afar" = "through".
- istarniya- (c.) : inside.
- istarni(n)k- (I 5) : to make ill, put to bed; to insult.
- isduwa- (Mid. 2) : to become famous, well-known.
- it : go! (Imp. of pāi- "to go "; §164).
- idālawah- (I 1 f) : to make evil, to act badly (id. HUL-ah-).
- idālawatar (n., §83) : evil, nastiness (id. HUL-atar). − idālawanni kittari = "it is poorly understood". − idālawanni sanh- : "to search in evil" = "to try to damage".
- idālawes- (I 1 f) : to worsen, become bad; to become nasty, quarrel (id. HUL-ues-).
- idālu- : bad, nasty (id. HUL). − ill disposed (toward s.o.). idālu har(k)- : "to have the evil (in the proper meaning?)".
- itkalzi(ya) : (Hurrian).
- iuga- : one-year-old (id. MU.1.KAM).
- iwar : postpos. like.
- iwaru- (n.) : dowry.
- iwaruwa- (c.) : heir.
- kā : adv. here.
- kā- : this (§111ff). − kā-ya kā-ya : such-and-such.
- LÚkaena- (c.) : parents, parents-in-law.
- kakkapi- (c.) : partridge.
- kakkur(s?)- (I 1 d ?) : to cut, maim.
- galaktar : (noun of unknown meaning).
- kallarātar (n., §83) : disaster, harm.
- kaleliya- (I 4 ?) : to attach, tie up
- kalles- : to call, lure.
- kalmara- : mountain ?
- kalmi- = GIŠkalmisana- "log".
- GIŠkalmisana- (c.) : log; − thunderbolt.
- GIŠkalmus (n., s-theme) : crook.
- kammara- (c.) : stench.
- kammarsk- : to shit.
- -kan : particle of distance.
- kanes- (I 1 e) : to point out; to obtain, get; to find out, realize; to acknowledge, accept.
- kāni : here.
- kaniniya- : to prostrate, bow down.
- kanissuwar (n.) : favor, goodwill.
- gank- (II 1 b) : to hang; − to weight.
- gankuwar- (n., §85) : weight.
- gangadāi- (I 3 ?) : to satisfy ?
- gangatiSAR : vegetable soup.
- kangur- (n.) : wine barrel, wine keg.
- kant- (c.) : wheat ?
- kappi- : small, young.
- DUGkappi- (n.) : (a pot).
- kappilalli- : hateful.
- kappilazza- : to lose one's temper, get angry.
- kapru- (n.) : throat.
- kappuwāi- (I 3) : to pay; to examine, control; to visit; to predict, reason; to provide with. − appa k. : to verify; to visit; to reward; to punish.
- kappuwant- : "paid" = "few".
- kappūwar (n.) : count.
- karap-, karep- (II 1 a) : to devour, consume.
- karāt- (c.) : inner body, interior, entrails.
- kāri tiya- : to grant.
- É karim(n)i- : ritual building, temple.
- kark- : to disappear.
- karnan marnan : to the best of one's ability.
- karp- (I 1 d) : to lift; to raise; to make public; to achieve, accomplish. − Mid. : to finish, end. − sarā k. : to raise.
- karpi- (c.) : rage, fury, anger, wrath.
- karpiya- : to become angry.
- karpiwala- : angry, furious.
- kars- (I 1 d) : to remove; − to maim; − to omit, leave.
- karsanu- (I 7) : to omit.
- karsi- : free, without hindrance, clear, without hesitation.
- kardi-, kard- : heart (id. ŠÀ) − kardiyas "it of the heart" = "desire, wish".
- kartimmiya- (I 4) : to be angry (id. TUKU.TUKU).
- kartimmiyatt- (c., §76) : anger (id. TUKU.TUKU-att-).
- kartimmiyawant- : angry (id. TUKU.TUKU-ant-).
- karū : adv. previously; already.
- karūariwar (n.) : tomorrow. − adv. early, at dawn.
- karūili- : old; ancient (id. SIMUN). − karūili adv. formerly.
- karūiliyatta : in the usual way, like in the past.
- karūli = karūili "old" (§16).
- karussiya- (I 4) : to be silent; to watch quietly.
- karussiyantili : adv. secret.
- kās(a) : interj. voilà ! (Akk. anumma, annû).
- kāsata = kāsa.
- É kaskastipa- (c.) : (a building).
- kāsma : interj. voilà, really !
- kast- (c., §76): hunger.
- katta : adv. under; − hence ? − postpos. at, amid, with (katti-tti "at your home") (id. GAM).
- kattaya : accordingly, in the same way.
- DUGkattamarant- (c.) : (a pot).
- kattan : adv. under; underneath, down (Akk. šapal). − postpos. under; with, at, near (id. GAM-an).
- kattanda : adv. downwards. − postpos. on the bottom of.
- kattawātar (n., §83) : vengeance, retaliation, revenge; compensation, retribution (Akk. gimillu).
- kattera- : inferior (§94b).
- katterah- (I 1 f) : to lower.
- katti : at, by, with.
- katkattinu- (I 7) : to cover ?
- gauri- : (a kind of forest).
- GADkazzarnulli- (n.) : (a fabric).
- genu- (n./c.) : knee. − LÚ-an genus-sus aseszi (unclear expression) : "he compels the man in his knees".
- genzu- (n.) : fondness, love; genitals. − g. dā- : to win the love of s.o.
- genzuwāi- (I 2 d like pāi-) : to be lenient, have pity (Akk. rēma epēšu).
- genzuwala- : friendly, kind (Akk. rēmēnû).
- kessera- (c.), kessar- (n.) : hand (id. ŠU, Akk. qātu).
- ketta : adv. to here.
- kēz(za) : adv. from here; on this side; − at that time ?
- kēz − kēz : on one side − on the other side.
- kī : Neuter of kā- "this" (§112).
- ki- (Mid. 2) : to lie. − to lie down (passive of dāi-; id. GAR).
- kikki- (Mid. 2) : to lie. − to lie down, keep calm.
- kikkis- (Mid. 1) : to multiply; to happen; to become. − DINGIRLIM-is kikkis- : "to become a god" = "to die" (for kings).
- kilammar = hilammar "gate" ?
- kilu- : (noun of unknown meaning).
- gimmant- (c.) : winter.
- gimmantariya- (I 4) : to hibernate (id. ŠE12-ya).
- gimmara- = gimra- "field" (§26).
- gimra- (c.) : field, land (id. LÍL). − also "field" = "war". − gimra pāi- : to go to the country.
- kinu- : to open.
- kinun : adv. now; kinun-a : but now.
- ginus-sus : cf. genu-.
- É kipa- (c.) : hut.
- kis- (Mid. 1) : to become sth. (with -za); to become; to happen (without -za) (id. DÙ). − kisari with Supine : "one can do". − DINGIRLIM-is kis- : "to become a god" = "to die" (for Hittite kings).
- kissan : adv. thus, this way (introduces an direct discourse; Akk. kīam). − kissan kissanna : like this and like that.
- kissara- = kessera- "hand".
- SIGkisri- (c.) : (something in wool).
- kist- : to go out, extinguish.
- kistant- (c.) : hunger.
- kistanu- (I 7) : to put out.
- kistanziya- (Mid. 2) : to become starving.
- kistuwant- : starving.
- kissuwant- : such, τοιόσδε (§115).
- LÚkīta- (c.) : (a kind of priest ?)
- kitpadalaz : adv. from now on.
- kuask- : iterative of kuen- "to strike, to kill" (§11. 31a).
- kuemi : I kill (from kuen-, §31a).
- kuen- (I 1 c) : to strike, hit (without -kan); to kill
(with -kan) (Akk. dâku). − piran k. : to strike at the head.
- guen(ant)- : woman (id. MUNUS).
- kuenzumna- : from where ? (§121).
- kuer- (I 1 c) : to harvest.
- kuera- (c.) : countryside (id. A.KÀR).
- kuis, n. kuit : (relative and interrogative pronoun; §119ff). − kuit apāt = "what is that ?". − Also kuis = "someone", kuit = "something" (especially in UL kuis "no one, not the least"). − kuis ... kuis : "the one ... the other". − kuis kuis : "whoever" (§120). − kuis imma (kuis) : "whoever else" (§120).
- kuissa : each (§125).
- kuiski : someone. kuitki : something (§124ff). − UL kuiski : no one, no. UL kuitki : nothing (§124).
- kuit : conj. because, that; − since, after, as soon as.
- kuitki : adv. anyhow, one way or the other. − UL kuitki : adv. in no way.
- kuitman : adv. briefly, first of all. − conj. while, as long as, until. − kuitman nāwi : before.
- URUDUkugulla(s?) : (a tool).
- NINDAkugulla- (c.) : lard biscuit.
- kuli- : unused.
- guls- (I 1 d) : to scratch, write, mark. − gulsant- : "marked" = "excellent".
- kunna- : right (id. ZAG(-na)-).
- kunant- : killed (part. of kuen-).
- kunatar (n., §83) : murder.
- kunnaz : adv. right.
- NA4kunkunuzzi- (c.) : diorite; meteorite.
- kup- (I 1 a ?) : to intend, plan.
- kupiyati- (c.) : plan, project, evaluation.
- GIŠkuppessar (n.) : stool.
- kuptar (n.) : offering remainder.
- kupti : (Hurrian noun not yet understood).
- kura- = kuera- "countryside" (§16).
- TUGkuressar- (n., §84) : cap, headdress (woman headdress); length of cloth.
- kuriwana- : independant, autonomous.
- KUŠkursa- : fleece, fur, hide; shield.
gursawar (n., r/n-theme, §85) : island.
- kurtali- (n.) : container, vessel.
- kūrur (§80) : hostile (id. KÚR). − subst. 1. c. enemy. 2. n. enmity, hostility.
- kururant- (c.) : enmity.
- kururiyah- (I 1 f) : to be hostile, make war.
- URUDUkuruzzi- : sickle ?
- kussan- (n.) : salary. − kussanissit, kussasset : his salary (§36a2).
- kussanka : anytime, sometime, ever.
- kūsata (n.) : bride price.
- TÚGkusisi- : (a fabric or a garment).
- kuskus- (I 1 e) : to crush.− katta k. : to crush under.
- GIŠkuskussulli- (n.) : mortar ?
- kusni : Dat.-Loc. Sg. of kussan "salary" (§26).
- kustuwāi- (I 3) : to play badly ?
- kusduwātar (n.) : evilness, wickedness.
- kutt- (c.) : wall.
- kuttan- (c.) : shoulder, forearm; power, might, strength.
- kuttanalli- (n.) : necklace.
- kuttar (n.,§82) : nape; arm.
- kutru- (c.) : witness.
- kutruwah- (I 1 f) : to call as witness, make testify.
- kuwāliu- : calm, silent.
- kuwapi : adv. where, where to, when. − Also (to) anywhere, already (UL kuwapi : nowhere, never) − kuwapi kuwapi : (to) anywhere. kuwapi imma kuwapi : (to) anywhere else (cf. §120).
- kuwapi : conj. as, as soon as.
- kuwapikki : adv. (to) anywhere, anytime, already. − UL kuwapikki : (to) nowhere, never.
- kuwapitta : adv. everywhere.
- kuwas- : to press, push, suppress.
- kuwat : adv. why.
- kuwatta(n) : adv. : to where. − kuwatta kuwatta : in this respect.
- *kuwataqa : (unattested) to anywhere.
- kuwatqa : adv. anyhow; maybe, nearly; − again, still. − UL k. : in no way.
- EZEN kuzzi- : (a feast).
- lā- (I 2 b) : to detach. − arha lā- : to separate; to unyoke.
- lahha- : (military) campaign, expedition; trip, journey. − lahha pāi- : to go on a campaign, to war; to go on a trip. lahhi perute- : to lead an expedition. lahhaz appa uwa- : to return from an expedition. Dat.-Loc. Sg. lahhi and lahha : on the field.
- lahharnuzzi- (n.) : (kind of sacrifice altar).
- lahhiya- (I 4) : to campaign, go to war; to attack.
- LÚlahhiyala- (c.) : man of war, soldier.
- lahhiyatar (n., §83) : (military) campaign, expedition.
- lahlahhiya- (I 4) : to worry, be anxious; to mill.
- lahlahhima- (c.) : grief, affliction.
- lahu(wāi)- (II 2 c ?) : to pour; to empty (a container). − anda l. : to pour inside. menahhanda l. : to empty. sarā l. : to pour on top. ser arha l. : to remove from the top.
- GIŠlahhura- (c.) : (a piece of furniture used for offerings).
- lahhurnuzzi- (n.) : sacrificial altar.
- lak- (II 1 a) : to slant; to tilt. − Mid. to fall; to submit.
- lakkarwanSAR : (a garden plant).
- lāla- (c.) : tongue; talk, rumors (id. EME).
- lalukkiuwant- : light; splendid.
- lāman- (n., §78) : name (id. ŠUM-an).
- lammar (n., §82) : hour, moment. − lammar : adv. at once, instantly.
- lamniya- (I 4) : to name; to call; to order; to assign, appoint.
- lazziya- (I 4) : to rectify, set straight. − Mid. 2 : to get better, to be in better health; to be favorable (id. SIG5). − appa l. : to be normal again.
- lē : do not (prohibitive).
- lelaniya- : to hurry.
- leliwant- : swift; in a hurry.
- lengāi- (c., §68f) : oath (Akk. māmītu or niš DINGIRLIM). − lingain iya- : to make an oath. linkiya kattan dāi- : to place under oath. linkiya tittanu- : to make s.o. stand by an oath. linkiya ar- (Mid.) : to stand by an oath.
- lessāi- : to pick up.
- lilā(r)- : to reconcile.
- lilipāi- : to lick up, lap up.
- link- (I 1 d) : to swear.
- lingant- (c.) : oath.
- linganu- (I 7) : to make swear.
- lissi- : liver (id. UZU.NÍG.GIG).
- luk- : to light; to set ablaze. Mid. 1 : to brighten, get light.
- lukkatta, lukkatti : adv. at dawn; tomorrow; tomorrow morning.
- lukta : next morning, at dawn.
lūlu- (n.) : abundance, prosperity. − lulu aus- : to be sustained.
- GIŠluttāi- (n. in sg., c. in pl.) : window, shutter (id. GIŠAB).
- GIŠluttant- : window.
- lūwili : adv. in Luwian language.
- luzzi- (n.) : corvée.
- -ma : conj. but. − nu ... -ma : or.
- -ma = -mi "my" (§108).
- mahhan : conj. as; as soon as; when, after that (id. GIM-an).
- māi- (II 2 b) : to grow, blossom; to prosper. − Mid. miyari : he is born.
- LÚmayant- (c.) : man (adult).
- mayandatar (n., §83) : manhood.
- maiszasti- (c.) : glow, shine.
- makkes- (I 1 f) : to become many, grow (from mekki- : much; §11).
- maklant- : lean, thin, meager.
- maknu- : to multiply, increase, pile up.
- malla- (II 2 c ?) : to grind.
- malāi- (I 3) : to approve.
- malisku- : weak.
- maliskunu- : to weaken.
- malk- : to spin.
- mald- : to vow, swear.
- maltessar (n.) : vow.
- mān : if, in case where − old-h. "when" and "as" (Akk. kīma). − mān − mān : if − or if. − mān .. -a (and only mān) : even if, despite.
- man : (particle of unreality ans potentiality; also written mān).
- maniyah- (I 1 f) : to distribute, abandon. − to manage, supervise; − to teach. − appa m. : to distribute again.
- LÚmaniyahhatalla- (c.) : bursar (id. LÚ.AGRIG).
- maniyahhāi- (c.) : administration.
- maniyahhatar (n., §83) : administration, management.
- maninkuwa- : near.
- maninkuwah- (I 1 f) : trans. to shorten; − intrans. to be close, get nearer.
- maninkues- (I 1 f) : to shorten.
- maninkuwant- : short; near.
- mannitti- (c.) : (noun of unknown meaning).
- manga(n) : adv. somehow.
- marri : very, quite.
- mark- (I 1 d) : to cut, distribute.
- markiya- (I 4) : to disagree.
- marlant- : stupid, foolish.
- marnu- (c.) : (a kind of beer).
- marnuwant- (n.) : (a drink).
- marsa- : spoiled.
- marsah- (I 1 f) : to rot, spoil.
- marsahhant- : spoiled.
- marsant- : bad, spoiled; rebel.
- marsastarri- (c.) : (a religious breach).
- marsessa- (II 2 d) : to become evil, rebel; to get spoiled.
- -mas < -ma-smas : but they (you, pl.) (§42a).
- masi-, masiwant- : as much as.
- masdu- (c.) : chain, rope, shackles.
- mat- (I 1 b) : to support, resist; to be able.
- maus- (I 1 e) : to fall. − EGIR-pa maus- : to fall backward; − to neglect. kattan m. : to fall down.
- maz-, mazas- : cf. mat- "to support" (§22b. 155).
- mehur (n., §82) : time.
- mekki- (§71) : much, many. − mekki : adv. a lot.
- memāi- (II 2 d) : to talk, say; − to announce. − UL mema- : to say no, refuse. − anda m. : to say.
- memal- (n., §79) : groats.
- memiya(n)- (c., §88a) : word, speech; chattering; − business; − story; − reason, motive; − relation, opinion.
- menahhanda : adv. opposite, ahead, in front; contrary to. − postpos. at the time of, before (id. IGI-anda).
- mene- (n.) : face.
- mes- (Mid.) : to grow, prosper.
- -mi : my (§107ff).
- miyahhuwanta- (Mid. 1 or 2 ?) : to get old.
- miyantili- : in bloom.
- miyatar (n., §83) : prosperity, success.
- milit- (n., §76) : honey (id. LÀL).
- mimma- (II 2 c ?) : to refuse; − to reject s.o., refuse to know anything of s.o.
- minumar (n.) : prosperity.
- misriwant- : shining.
- mistiliya : (Hurrian word of unknown meaning).
- mīti- : red (id. SA5).
- NINDAmitgaimi- (c.) : (a cake).
- miumar (n., §185) : prosperity.
- -mu : to me (§100a).
- mūgāi- (I 3) : to complain.
- mulātar (n.) : dirt.
- NINDAmulati- (c.) : (a cake).
- munnāi- (I 3) : to hide. − IGIHI.A-wa m. : "to cover the eyes" = euphemism for "to blind ".
- munnanda : adv. secret, hidden.
- -na : and he < nu + -a- (§38a. 103a).
- nah- (I 1 a) : to fear, be afraid; to be respectful (Akk. palāhu); to be cautious.
- nahhan- (n., §78) : fear; respect.
- nahhant- : anxious, cautious.
- nahsaratt- (c., §76) : fear; respect.
- nahsariya- (I 4 and Mid. 2) : to fear, be afraid; to show respect.
- nāi- (II 2 b) : to guide, lead; to turn sth. - Mid. 2 : to turn oneself; to happen. − anda n. : to lead, take care; − to bring ? − Mid. (and Act.) : to turn back. appa n. : to turn and go back. appanda n. : to add. arha n. : to remove. edi n. : "to lead to the other side" = "to make rebel"; to move, remove. menahhanda parā n. : to send s.o. − parā n. : to send; − to dispatch. − intr. to persevere, last; to delay. − 1-etta n. : to gather.
- nakkes- (I 1 f) : to become important; to become difficult, be bad for morale.
- nakki- : important, mighty, powerful, strong; difficult, serious; hard to reach; steep; − expensive. − nakkit dā- = to take in the storm.
- nakkiyah- (I 1 f) : to make difficult. Mid. : to become difficult, be bad for morale.
- nakkiyātar (n., §83) : importance; respect; grade, rank.
- namma : adv. more; again, one more time; then. − nu n. : hence, consequently, thus. − nu n. kuit : what more ? − UL n. (lē n.) : no more.
- nannā- : to drive, shove, push.
- nanakussiyant- : dark.
- napa < na + -apa (§38a).
- -nas : us (D.-L. and Acc.) (§100).
- nāsili : adv. in Nesian language (i.e. Hittite).
- nasma : or; − or if.
- nasta < nu + -asta (§38).
- nassu : either; or else.
- nassuma = nasma "or" (§26).
- natta : adv. not (but usually Akk. UL).
- natī- (c.) : reed; arrow.
- nāwi : adv. not yet.
- ne : and they < nu + -e (§38a. 102b. 103a).
- ne- = nāi- "to guide" (§13a).
- nega- (c.) : sister (id. NIN).
- negna- : brother (id. ŠEŠ).
- nekut- (c.) : evening.
- nekuz mehur : evening. − adv. in the evening.
- nepis (n., §87) : sky.
- nesumnili : adv. in nesi language (i.e. Hittite) (cf. nāsili).
- netta : and it to you (sg.) < nu + -it + -ta (§103c).
- newa- : new (id. GIBIL).
- newah- : to renew.
- nikku : by any chance, surely not.
- nini(n)k- (I 5) : to make public, mobilize; to cause trouble. − Mid. = Act.
- nink- (I 1 d) : to drink to one's fill; − to get drunk. − Mid. idem.
- nu : conj. now; and (to link phrases); (also at the beginning of sentences). − nu ... -ma : or (in double interrogations).
- nūmān : adv. never, in no way, not at all (= nūwān, §29a).
- nūn : (noun of uncertain meaning).
- nuntara- : fast, quick, hurriedly.
- nuntarnu- (I 7) : to speed up; to act quickly.
- nuttariya- : fast, quick, hurriedly.
- nūwa : adv. again.
- nūwān : adv. never, in no way, not at all (= nūmān, §29a).
- pahhasnu-, pahhassanu- : cf. pahsanu- (§26).
- pahs- (II 1 b) : to protect (id. PAP). - Mid. 1 : to go under protection; − also Mid. = Act.
- pahsanu- (I 7) : to guarantee, protect; to strenghten, reinforce; − (= pahs-) to confirm.
- pahhuenant- (c.) : fire.
- pahhuwar, pahhur (n., §82) : fire.
- LÚpahhursi- (c.) : bastard, illegitimate child.
- pāi- (I 2 d) : to go; − to pass (for the time); − to run its course (for a legal matter). MUNUS-ni pāi- : "to go to a woman" = "to have a sexual intercourse". − anda(n) p. : to go into. appa p. : to go back. appa(n) anda p. : to go into again. istarna arha p. : to go accross. katta(n) p. : to go down; to go; to go with. parā p. : to keep on; to go out. parranda p. : to go over. sarā p. : to go up.
- pāi- (II 2 b) : to give (id. SUM, Akk. nadānu). − zahhāin p. : to give battle. − appa p. : to give back. kattan p. : to deliver.
- paknu- (I 7) : to slander.
- palāumnili : adv. in Palaic language.
- DUGpalha- (c.) : cauldron.
- palhasti- (c.) : width.
- palhātar (n., §83) : width (id. DAGAL).
- palhessar (n., §84) : width.
- palhi- : wide. − DUGpalhi- (n.) : (a kind of vessel for beverages).
- palsa- (c.) : path, road − military campaign (id. KASKAL).
- palsa- (c.) : times, (multiplied) by.
- palwāi- (I 3 ?) : to cheer; to declaim.
- LÚpalwatalla- (c.) : (actor noun of the previous verb).
- pangar(i?)- : crowd; mass.
- pangariya- (Mid. 2) : to become widespread, get out of hand, increase uncontrollably.
- pangarit : with great force, power, number.
- panku- : adj. together. − subst. whole; − nobility, aristocracy.
- pankur (n., §82) : clan.
- panzakiti- (c.) : plug, peg, pin.
- pappars- (I 1 d / II 1 b) : to sprinkle.
- pabilili : adv. in Babylonian (i.e. Akkadian) language.
- paprāi- (I 3) : to commit an impurity.
- paprātar (n., §83) : impurity, stain.
- papres- : to be(come) impure.
- parā : adv. ahead; out; away, farther, beyond. − postpos. out of.
- parāi- (II 2 b) : to blow.
- parranda : adv. beyond. − postpos. with D.-L. : on − beyond.
- parasda- (c.) : bud ?
- parh- (I 1 d) : to chase, persecute; to make gallop. − arha p. : to send back.
- parhessar (n., §84) : haste, urgency.
- parhuena- (c.) : (a kind of grain).
- pariyan : adv. beyond. − postpos. with Acc. : on − away from; against.
- pargasti- (c.) : height.
- pargatar (n., §83) : height.
- parkiya- : to raise, grow; to remove; to flatter.
- parku- : adj. high. − n. peak.
- parkues- (I 1 f) : to become pure; to prove oneself innocent.
- parkui- : pure, free from sth.
- parkuyatar (n., §83) : purification, atonement.
- parkunu- (I 7) : to cleanse; to excuse. − arha p. : to excuse; to let go with impunity.
- parkus- = parkues- "to become pure" (§16).
- parn- : house, premises (§89a). parna : to home. parnassa : at his house. − parnassea suwāizzi : "so he broke open what locks his house" (i.e. so the conviction of the plaintiff gave the right of access to his house). − parnaza = by one's (own) means.
- parnant- (c.) : house.
- parnawāi- : to extent.
- pars- (I 1 d) : to flee. piran arha p. : to run away.
- pars(iya)- (§178) : to break (intrans.). − arha p. : to collapse. − awan katta p. : to collapse.
- parsiyannāi- : to crumble.
- parsina- (c.) : cheek.
- parsnāi- (I 3) : to crouch.
- parsur (n., §80) : food ?
- partāwar (n., §85) : wing.
- pas- (I 1 a / II 1 a) : to swallow, sip.
- pask- (I 6) : to right; to amass.
- paskuwāi- (I 3, Mid. 2) : to reject, ignore, neglect (Akk. parāku).
- NA4passila- (c.) : stone, pebble.
- -pat : adv. immediately; also; exactly; again; besides; only; − however; rather. − UL-pat : nevertheless not.
- pata- (c.) : foot (id. GÌR).
- pattar (n.) : wing.
- LÚpatili- (c.) : (a kind of priest).
- pē : here (§144).
- pē- = pāi- "to give " (§173).
- pehute- (I 2 a) : to drive, lead; − to execute, realize. − anda p. : to receive. arha p. : to take away. katta p. : to produce. kattanda p. : to produce.
- penna- (II 2 d) : to move (trans.); − to make trot; − to drive; − to keep, build, take care of. − appa p. : to move again (trans.). arha p. : to move forward (trans.). parā p. : to move forward (trans.).
- NA4peruna- (c.) : rock.
- perunant- (c.) : rock.
- pessiya- (I 4) : to throw, push, project; to dismiss, reject, abolish. − anda p. : to attract. arha p. : to drive away.
- pēda- (n.) : place (Akk. ašru). − pedi-ssi = at his place.
- pēda- (II 2 c) : to drive, go by, send (Akk. babālu); − to utter. − anda p. : to utter. appa p. : to get back. kattanda p. : to produce. parā p. : to produce.
- pedant- (c.) : place.
- pi- = pāi- "to give " (§173).
- piya- (I 4) : to send.
- piyanāi- (I 3) : to reward, give a present.
- piyanna : to give (Inf., §173).
- piyant- : given (Part. of pāi-); − also "he who went".
- pihasassi- : belonging to the thunderstorm, lighting.
- pininu- : to make remove, make get rid of.
- pintanza : oar ? (Luwian plural).
- pir : house (§89a; id. É-ir).
- piran : adv. ahead, at the head, before. − postpos. before (locally and temporarily).
- piran arha : postpos. "far ahead" = "behind s.o.'s back".
- piran parā : adv. before.
- piran sarā : adv. = piran parā "before" ?
- piddāi- (I 3) : to pay.
- piddāi- (I 3 and §178) : to run, haste; to flee; − kattan p. : to go quickly. piran arha p. : to survive from s.o.
- pittalwa- : plain, simple.
- pittar (n., §82) : wing; feather.
- pittarpalhi (c.) : (a bird).
- pitteyawwar (n.) : the going.
- pittenu- (I 7) : to make run; to scare away; − to kidnap.
- (LÚ)pittiyant- (c.) : fugitive (Akk. munnabtu). − (LÚ)pittiyantili : adv. "as a fugitive".
- pittuliya- (c.) : anguish, worry, misery.
- (GU4)puhugari- (c.) : substitute ox, expiatory sacrifice of a bull or ox.
- puggant- : odious, repulsive.
- pūl- (n.) : lot.
- DUGpulla- (c.) : (a vessel for bread).
- puntarriyalli- : stubborn, obstinate, headstrong.
- punus- (I 1 e) : to ask; to examine (Akk. ša'ālu). − EGIR-pa punus- : to ask again.
- pūri- (c.) : (a kind of tray).
- puriyalli- (n.) : bit, muzzle.
- EZEN purulli- : (an important festival).
- putalliyant- : lightly dressed ?
- sa- : and he < su + -a- (§38b. 103a. 105b.).
- -sa- = -si- "his" (Possess. §107f.).
- sah- = sanh- "to search" (§31a).
- sah- (Mid. ?) : to pollute, make dirty; to sprinkle.
- sahhan- (n., §78) : fief, seigneury; tribute, tax.
- sahuihuissuwali(?)- : legitimate.
- sāi- (I 8 like pāi- "to go", §164) : to be angry.
- sak- (II 1 a) : to know; to recognize.
- sagāi- (c.) : omen (id. GISKIM).
- sakkar (n.) : excrement.
- sākiya- (I 4) : to declare, show up (Akk. kullumu).
- sakinu- : to understand ?
- saklāi- (c.) : custom; rule.
- sakni- (c.) : oil, fat.
- sakru(wāi)- : to rub off.
- sāktāi- (I 3) : to nurse back to health.
- sakunni- (c.) : well.
- sakuwa (n. Pl.) : eyes (id. IGIHI.A-wa). − sakuwa-sma = "before your eyes" ? (a shape ?)
- sakuwāi- : to see.
- sakuwantariya- (I 4) : to stop, rest.
- sakuwassar(a)- (§80) : exact; intact; legal; true, sincere.
- sallanu- (I 7) : to make larger; to stretch; to raise, bring up (Akk. rubbû).
- LÚsālasha- (c.) : palace servant.
- salles- (I 1 f) : to grow, increase.
- salhiyanti (c.) : (subst. of unknown meaning).
- salli- : tall, big; well considered. − salli É-ir : "big house" = "palace". − salli pēdan = "throne".
- salliya- : to melt (away), dissolve.
- salik- (Mid.) : to come near; to commit an outrage; to shoot.
- samankurwant- : bearded.
- -sami- = -smi- "yours (pl.); theirs" (poss., §22a. 26. 107ff.).
- samen- (I 1 e) : to resign, abandon.
- samnāi- : to create, bring up, raise.
- -san : (placement particle).
- sanna- (II 2 c) : to conceal, hide.
- sannapili- : empty; not pregnant.
- sanezzi- : good, soft (§94; id. KU7).
- sanh- (I 1 d) : to search, try, want, ask for. − eshar sanh- : "to ask for s.o.'s blood" = "to demand vengeance for s.o.'s death". − kattawatar sanh- : to have one's vengeance (Akk. gimilla turru). −appan s. : to worry.
- sanh- : to wipe, sweep.
- sanhuwāi- (I 3 ?) : to grill.
- sani- : one and the same.
- sankunni- (c.) : priest (id. LÚ.SANGA).
- sankunniyant- (c.) : priest.
- sankuwāi- : fingernail (id. UMBIN).
- sānt- : furious (Part. of sāi-).
- LÚsapasalli- : scout, spy.
- sarā : adv. up, upward. − postpos. to (the top of).
- sarra- (II 2 c) : to split, tear (Akk. nasāhu); − to cross; to disobey. − arha s. : to interrupt. − Mid. 1 : to separate from s.o.
- saramnaz : adv. from top to bottom.
- sarazzi- : superior; paramount (§94).
- sarazziyah- (I 1 f) : to put right on top; to let s.o. win.
- sarhuwant- (c.) : inside; embryo, foetus, unborn child.
- sarkaliya- : to be arrogant, feel superior.
- sarku- : excellent.
- sarkuwāi- : to put on (shoes).
- sarkuwant- (n.) : boots.
- sarlāi- (I 3) : to raise.
- sarlaimmi- : elevated, sublime, superior.
- sarnikzēl- (n., §79) : compensation; indemnity.
- sarni(n)k- (I 5) : to replace, pay.
- KUŠsarpassi- (c.) : cushion.
- sardiya- (c.) : help, reinforcements.
- sāru- : prey, plundering.
- sarūpa- (n.) : uprising ?
- sāruwāi- (I 3) : to plunder.
- sasanna- (c.) : lamp.
- sasta- (c.) : bed (id. GIŠ.NÁ, Akk. nēmedu).
- sausiyar (n.) : anger, rage.
- sāuwar (n.) : resentment, anger.
- sawātar (n.) : horn (musical instrument).
- sawitist- : that sucks (for less than one-year old animals).
- -se = -si "to him" (§10. 100a.)
- sehuresk- : to piss.
- sek- : cf. sak- "to know" (§11. 170).
- sekkant- : known; conscious (Part. of sak-). sekkantit ZI-it : "with a conscious intent".
- seknu- (c. / n.) : shirt ?
- -semi- = -smi- "to you (pl.); to them" (§26. 107f.).
- sena- (c.) : figure, model.
- senahha- : protection measure, remparts, barricade ??
- sēr : adv. up; on top; thus, consequently. − postpos. to; to the top of; for, because of; concerning. − sēr katta : adv. from top to bottom.
- ses- (I 1 a) : to rest, sleep (also for sexual intercourse), go to bed; to stay; − to enjoy rest, calmness; − to establish the oracle of a dream.
- sessar : beer (id. KAŠ).
- sesariya- (I 4) : to filter, sieve.
- GIŠsesarul- (n., §79) : sieve.
- si- : this (§105a.).
- -si : to him, to her(§100a. 105a.).
- -si- : his (Poss. §107f.); also their.
- sihill(iy)as wātar : pure water, holy water (Hurrian).
- siyāi- (§178) : to open (by pushing), push; to stamp, flatten; − to draw; − to seal; to cover with a seal. − Mid : to run, flow. − anda s. : (make) seal.
- parā siyatar : (subst. of unclear meaning).
- É sinapsi- (n.) : (a ritual building).
- sipand- (II 1 b) : to make a libation; − (with an animal as object =) to spill the blood of an animal. (id. BAL) − anda s. : to spill.
- sipanzak- : iter. of sipand- (§22. 168b.).
- siptamiya- (n.) : (a liquid; id. 7-miya; §129b5).
- sissa- (II 2 d) : to inculcate.
- siu-, siuna- (c., §73) : god (Akk. ilu; id. DINGIR, DINGIRLUM, DINGIRLIM). − siunan antuhsa- : man of god, oracle. − dsiusmis = *sius-mis "my god" or *sius-smis "their god" (§19). siussummin = *siun-smin : "their god (Acc.)". (§26a. 36a. 108).
- siuniyah- : to be smitten with illness by god.
- siwatt- (n.) : day (§76; id. UD.(KAM)-att-, Akk. ūmu).
- -sma- = -smi- "their" (Poss., §108).
- -smas : you, to you (D.-Acc. Pl., §100a).
- -smas : to them (Dat. Pl., §100a, 105a).
- -smi- : your (Pl., Poss., §107ff.).
- -smi- : their (Poss., §107ff.).
- su : and (Old-Hittite, cf. §38b. 105b.).
- suēl- (n.) : thread.
- suhha- (c.) : roof.
- suhha- (II 2 c ou d ?) : to pour. − sēr s. : to pour onto.
- sullāi- (I 3) : to impose hostages on s.o.; to give as hostage.
- sullāi- (I 3) , sulliya- (I 4) : to argue, quarrel; to scold, rebuke; to become arrogant.
- sullatar : hostagehood.
- sullātar (n., §83) : argument, quarell; arrogance.
- sulliya- = sullāi-.
- sumās : to you (D.-Acc. Pl. of sumēs "you (pl.)") (§96); also Nom. "you (pl.)" (§97a). − sumāsila "(to) yourselves" (§99).
- summanza(n)- (c.) : rope, cord.
- sumēs : you (Pl., §96).
- -summi- = -smi- "your (pl.); their" (§26. 108).
- sūniya- (I 4), sunna- (II 2 d) : to fill.
- suppal- (n., §79) : animal.
- suppariya- : to sleep.
- suppi- : clean. − suppaya : cleanly, in a clean place.
- suppiyah- (I 1 f) : to cleanse; to expiate.
- suppisduwara- (c.) : decoration, ornament.
- MUŠENsurassura- (c.) : (an oracle bird).
- sūrka- : root.
- GIŠsuruhha- : (a kind of wood ?).
- sūwa- (Mid.) : to swell up.
- suwāi- (I 3) : to stuff, push in, drive in; to drive away; − to pay. − parnassea suwāizzi : "so he broke open what locks his house" (i.e. so the conviction of the plaintiff gave the right of access to his house). − arha s. : to abandon, reject.
- suwant- : full, filled.
- ta : and; (also at the start of sentences).
- -ta, -da : you, to you (Sg., §100a).
- -ta : same as -asta (§42c1).
- ta- : and he < ta + -a- (§38b. 103a).
- dā- (II 2 a) : to take; to take as possession; − to take for oneself (with -za; Akk. leqû); − also to decide in favor of s.o. − anda dā- : to add. appa dā- : to take back, accept. appa arha dā- : to remove again. appa sarā dā- : to receive again. arha dā- : to remove. katta(n) dā- : to put (sth) down; to submit. parā dā- : to remove. sarā dā- : to assume, take as possession; to take; − to take as a motive; − to arrest; to occupy, capture; − to receive. − sēr arha dā- : to remove from the top.
- dahusiya- (I 4) : to watch quietly.
- dāi-, tāi- (II 2 b) : to sit, lay, put. − daskiwan tehhi : "I am yet to be taken". − QĀTAM dāi- : "to put the hand to one side" (gesture of worship). − anda d. : to sit into, to lay into. appa d. : to remove. katta d. : to put down; to throw down; to submit. − (with D.-L.) : to support (troops in a town), besiege (a town)". kattan d. : to carry out (a task); to settle. piran d. : to put. piran katta d. : to put down before. sēr d. : to lay, sit. warpa d. : cf. warpa.
- tāya- (I 4) : to rob, steal; to abduct.
- tāyazil- (n., §79) : theft. − Gén. "he of the theft" = "thief" (id. LÚ.NI.ZU).
- tāiuga- : two-year old (id. MU.2.KAM).
- tagān : adv. underneath, on the ground (from tekan "earth").
- daganzipa- (c.) : earth (id. KI).
- taggani- (?) : breast (Akk. irtu).
- tagn- : root of tekan "earth" (§78).
- taks-, takkes-, taggas- (I 1 d / II 1 b, cf. §171) : to gather; to implement, undertake; − to found, build. − GÍR-an taks- : to prepare a dagger (against s.o.), raise a dagger.
- taksan- (n., §78) : joint; center; half. − UD-az taksan : midday.
- taksan : adv. together.
- taksadniya?- (I 4 ?) : to be, find oneself ?
- taksul (§79) : peaceful, friendly. − Subst. (n.) : peace; treaty, contract.
- taksulāi- (I 3) : to be friendly, peaceful, tolerate each other; to sign a treaty.
- taksulatar (n., §83) : peaceful, friendly opinion.
- takku : if (Old-Hittite).
- dāla-, dāliya- (III) : to leave (Akk. ezēbu); − Imp. dala = "enough!". − anda d. : to leave in, let down.
- talahulziya : (Hurrian word of unknown meaning).
- GIŠtallāi- (n.) : flask, small bottle.
- dāliya- : cf. dāla.
- talliya- (I 4) : to call, invite; to implore.
- dalugasti- : length.
- daluki- : long (id. GÍD.DA).
- damāi- : other (§127).
- fdammara- (c.) : a servant of worship.
- tamas- (I 1 e) : to squeeze; to press; to attack, pester, force. − Mid. = Pass. and Act. − appanda t. : to press behind.
- dam(m)eli : D.-L. Sg. of damai- "other" (§127).
- dameda : adv. somewhere else.
- tameuman- : foreign ?, governed by foreigners ?
- dammesha : adv. by breaking in.
- dammesha- (c.) : damage; measure, punishment.
- dammeshāi- (I 3) : to damage, strike, punish.
- URUDUdammūri- : (subst. of unclear meaning).
- dān : second (§133a). − adv. for the second time. − tān pedas : second rank.
- NINDAdannas (n. ?) : (a cake).
- dannatta- : empty, desert.
- dannattah- (I 1 f) : to devastate, ravage.
- dannattes- (I 1 f) : to become desert.
- taninu- (I 7) : to arrange.
- tangarant- : without having eaten, not eaten.
- dankues- : to get dark (id. GE6-es-).
- dankui- : black; dark (id. GE6).
- dandukessar (n.) : mankind.
- tapar- (II 1 a ?) : to reign, govern.
- tapariya- (c.) : authority.
tapassa- (c.) : fever.
- dapiya- : all, together.
- dapiyant- = dapiya- "all, together".
- tapisana- (c.) : (a pot).
- GIŠtaptappa- (c.) : nest ?
- ftaptara- (c.) : wailing woman.
- tapus- (n.) : side.
- tapūsa : adv. aside, next. − postpos. next to, near.
- tapusza : adv. next, near. − postpos. next to, near.
- tar- : from te- "to say" (I 2 c).
- tarant- : promised, secure, engaged (Part. of te- "to say", I 2 c).
- arha tarranu- (I 7) : to weaken, discourage.
- tarh- (I 1 d) : to defeat, submit, conquer (with -za). − to be able to (without -za). − DI-sar sumēl UL tarhuwas : "the case is not in your competence" i.e. "it is so complex that you cannot settle it".
- tarhuilatar (n., §83) : efficiency.
- tarhuili- : strong, mighty, powerful.
- tarriya- : to try hard, endeavor.
- dariyanu- (I 7) : to call.
- tarkummāi- : to announce, report.
- tarkuwa- : angry.
- tarkuwalāi- : to give s.o. a black look.
- tarmāi- : to attach, fix.
- tarna- (II 2 c) : to let, allow; to abandon; − to leave; − to forgive; − to let, put (a spoon in a liquid). − ŠÀ-ta tarna- : to keep in the heart; to have one's heart set on doing sth. wastul ANA PANI NN tarna- : "to put the sin before s.o." = "to confess". − to intersect. appa t. : to let in. appa anda t. : to admit again. appan t. : to neglect; to make public. arha t. : to drive away; − to wash. awan arha t. : to let escape. katta t. : to put down, to lower. parā t. : to abandon. piran t. : to put before s.o., to recognize. piran arha t. : to leave before s.o. piran katta t. : to lower before.
- tarnas : (small dry measure of capacity).
- Étarnu(zan)- : house of ablutions.
- SÍGtarpāla- : (a garment).
- tarpalli- (c.) : picture, figure of substitution (used in worship as a replacement for man).
- tarpanallasa- : to encourage ? (Luwian).
- tarsik- (I 6) : to talk again, proclaim (§22b. 168b).
- taru- (n.) : wood (id. ĜIŠ).
- tarup- (I 1 e) : to gather, get together, collect. − arha t. : to take away; to bring.
- taruppant- : gathered = in agreement.
- dassanu- (I 7) : to make strong.
- taskupāi- (I 3) : to scream, moan.
- tastasiya- (I 4) : to murmur.
- dassu- : strong; heavy.
- dassuwant- : strong.
- dasuwah- (I 1 f) : to dazzle, blind.
- daswant- : blind.
- tawal- (n.) : (a drink).
- te- (I 2 c) : to say.
- te- : cf. dāi-, tāi- "to put" (§13a. 173).
- tekan (n., racine tagn-, §78) : earth.
- tekkus(sa)nu- (I 7) : to indicate; to show; − to accuse (§26).
- tekussāi- : to appear, show.
- tepawes- (I 1 f) : to become few, modest.
- tepnu- (I 7) : to make few, lessen; − to humble, humiliate.
- tepsanu- (I 7) : to abase, dishonor.
- tepsawatar (n., §83) : poverty.
- tēpu- : few, trifling.
- terawartanna : triple turn.
- teriyalla- : (a liquid; id. 3-yalla-; §129b3).
- terisk- : to irritate, tease ?
- TÚGtermaz- (n.) : (a kind of garment, dress).
- tesha- (c.) : sleep, dream (id. Ù-a-).
- teshanesk- : to appear in a dream.
- teshaniya- (I 4) : to sleep, dream.
- tessummi- (c.) : cup, goblet (id. DUG.GAL).
- tethāi- (I 3 ?) : to thunder.
- tethima- (c.) : thunder (id. KA×IM).
- ti- : cf. dāi-, tāi- "to put" (§13a. 173).
- -ti- : your (Sg., Possess. §107f.).
- tiya- (I 4) : to go, walk, go on, stay (Akk. izzuzzu); to pass (for time). − peskiwan tiyaweni : "we are ready to give". − anda t. : to go into, make a friendship with. appan t. : to go behind = to worry, deal with; to go to s.o.'s side. appanda t. : to go behind s.o., make a friendship with s.o. arga t. = arha(?) t. : to go out ? awan arha t. : to disappear; to rebel. hanti t. : to accuse. kāri t. : to grant. kattan t. : to go down, go to s.o.'s house. menahhanda t. : to go in front of. piran t. : to stay before s.o. taksan t. : to get together. UD-az taksan tiyazi : "the day stays at its middle" = "it is midday".
- tissāi- : to form.
- tittanu- (I 7) : to put, set. awan arha t. : to remove, withdraw. sarā t. : to keep ?
- tittiya- (I 4) : to put, set out.
- tittiyant- : well-supplied.
- titita- (c.) : pupil.
- -du- = -ta "you, to you (sg.)" (before -za, §40. 100a).
- tuekka- (c.) : body (id. NÍ.TE). − personally .
- tuēl : Gen. of zik "you (sg.)" (§96).
- tuēdaz : Abl. of zik "you (sg.)" (§96).
- tuhhāi- : to pant, gasp.
- tuhhima- (c.) : panting, gasping.
- tuhs- : to cut; to separate (a girl from her lover). − Mid. = Act.
- tuhsant- : cut = shortened.
- tuhhuessar (n., §84) : smoking resin.
- tuhhui- (c.) : thick smoke.
- tuhhus- = tuhs- "to cut" (§26).
- tuk : "you, to you (sg.)" (D.-A. of zik "you (sg.)", §96).
- duqq- (Mid. 1) : be important.
- tuli- (c.) : justice assembly.
- tuliya- (c.) = tuli- "justice assembly".
- tunnakessar (n.) : inner chamber (id. É.ŠÀ).
- dunnariya- (c.) : (a kind of forest).
- tuninga- (c.) : (a kind of bread).
- tuppa- (c.) : vessel, container.
- tuppi- (n.) : tablet, document (Akk. ṭuppu).
- turiya- (I 4) : to harness, fix. − ANŠU.KUR.RA turīyawas : "horse of the harnessing" = "plough horse".
- dusk- (I 6 a) : to rejoice, be happy.
- duskarati- (c., §76) : happiness.
- dusgarauwant- : joyful, happy, glad.
- duddumar (n.) : mercy, favor.
- duddumi- : dumb. − duddumili : adv. silently, secretly.
- duddusk- (I 6 a) : to have favorably at one's disposal ?
- dudduwarant- : paralyzed, stiff.
- tūwa : adv. far. − tūwaz(a) : adv. from far, from faraway.
- tūwala- : faraway.
- duwan − duwan : adv. here − there. − duwan parā : adv. up to here.
- duwarnāi- (I 3 and II 2 c) : to break. − arha d. : to smash.
- tuwadd- : to have mercy, pity.
- tuzzi- (c.) : army.
- tuzziyant- (c.) : army.
- uesk- (I 6 a) : to implore.
- uh- : from au(s)- "to see" (§176).
- uiya- (I 4) : to send. − appanda u. : to go after. arha u. : to drive away; to send; to chase away. katta u. : to send down; to bannish. menahhanda u. : to send to s.o. parā u. : to send.
- uk, uga : I (§96). − ukila : myself (§99).
- uktūri- : constant, stable.
- kattan sarā ules?- (?) : to slip from bottom to top ?
- ulāi- : to unite, blend.
- uliliya- : to grow, blossom.
- ūnna- (II 2 d) : to drive; to receive; − to come, hurry. − appa u. : to come back.
- unatalla- : trader (id. LÚ.DAM.GAR).
- uni- : this, the same (§117a).
- unnuwāi- (I 3) : to decorate. − Mid. to dress oneself up.
- unuwasha- (c.) : ornament.
- up- (I 1 a) : to raise (for the sun).
- uppa- (II 2 d) : to send. − arha u. : to send here and there.
- uppessar (n., §84) : sending; gift.
- ur- = war- "to burn" (§17a).
- ussaniya- (I 4) : to give, sell. − parā u. : to sell.
- ussarunta- (c.) : well ?
- usk- (§16a) : to see (true iterative of au(s)-). − menahhanda u. : to await. parā u. : to watch without doing anything.
- uskiskatalla- (c.) : observer, spy. SAG.DU-i u. : bodyguard.
- uda- (II 2 c) : to bring; − to cause (distress). − anda u. : to bring. appa u. : to bring back. arha u. : to take away. katta u. : to put. parā u. : to bring.
- uttar (n., §82) : word, speech; chattering; − business; − story; − reason, motive; − legal matter (id. INIM; Akk. awātu). − ŠA MUŠEN u. : oracle of bird.
- utnant- (c.) : word.
- udnē (n., §72) : land (also for name of towns; id. KUR-e).
- utniyant- (c.) : population (id. KUR-ant-).
- uwa- (I 2 d) : to come (Akk. alāku). anda u. : to come in; − to turn toward s.o. (for help). andan u. : to come in. appa u. : to come back. appa anda u. : to enter again. appan u. : to help. appanda u. : to follow. arha u. : to come from afar. katta u. : to go down. menahhandu u. : to go to meet. parā u. : to get out. sarā u. : to climb.
- uwa- : from au(s)- "to see" (§176). − in this case also uwa- (Mid. 2) : to show oneself, to appear (§181).
- uwahnuwar (n.) : turn. u. 5 = panzawartanna "fifth turn". u. 3 = tērawartanna "third turn".
- uwai- (n.) : worry.
- uwantiwant(a)- (c.) : lightning ?
- uwatar (n., §83) : visit.
- uwate- (I 2 a) : to bring. − appa u. : to bring back. katta u. : to bring down, back. parā u. : to remove. sarā u. : to bring up.
- uzuhri- (c.) : grass (Hurrian ?).
- -wa, -war : (particle of direct discourse).
- wahnu- (I 7) : to turn, turn over; to turn upside down; to swing; − to divert; − to make laps (with a racehorse); − to fortify (a camp); − to distort; − to exchange. − anda w. : to surround. arha w. : to swing. appa w. : to turn upside down; to bypass. piran w. : to infringe. sēr arha w. : to turn around s.o.
- wahnumar (n.) : compensation.
- wāk- (II 1 a) : to bite, bite off.
- waggar- (II 1 a) : to miss, fail. − by transfer : nearly.
- waggariya- (I 4) : to be indignant, rebel; − to make rebel.
- waksur (n. ?) : cut ?
- walla- (II 2 d ?) : to glorify, praise; to pride oneself on sth.
- walh- (I 1 d) : to strike; to attack (id. GUL).
- walhannāi- : to hit, beat.
- walhi- (n.) : (a drink).
- walliyātar (n.) : praise, fame.
- wallu- : to praise.
- wappiya- : to bark.
- wappu- (c.) : river shore.
- -war : (particle of direct discourse before the pronoun -a-, before -asta and -apa).
- war- (Mid. 1) : to burn (intrans.; id. BIL). − arha w. : to burn everything down.
- warra- (c.) : help, aid.
- warāni : for *warāri "he burns" (§182).
- GIŠwarasma- (c.) : firewood.
- warressa- (II 2 d) : to hasten to help. − anda w. : idem.
- warri- : helpful. − Subst. c. : helper, assistant.
- wariwarant- : burning.
- warkes- : to become fat.
- warnu- (I 7) : to burn, set on fire (trans.). − arha w. : to burn down (trans.).
- warp- (I 1 d) : to wash, bathe.
- warpa dāi- : to lead a march ?
- wars-, warsiya- (I 1 d / I 4, §178) : to calm down (intrans.). − Mid. = Act.
- wars- : to wipe off, slip off; to pluck, harvest.
- warsanu- (I 7) : to calm down, pacify (trans.).
- warsini- (c.) : water jug ?
- was- = wes- "to dress" (§11).
- was- : to buy.
- wasanna- (n.) : stadium ?
- wassi- (n.) : herb, drug ?
- wasku- (c.) : violation.
- wasta- (II 2 c) : to sin.
- wastāi- (c.) : sin.
- wastanu- : to make sin.
- wastul (n.) : sin, sacrilege, crime. − Gen. wastulas "he of the sin" = "sinner, impious".
- wātar (n., §82) : water (id. A). − Pl. widār : also "irrigation".
- watarnah- (I 1 e) : to order; to entrust; to inculcate; to command, lead; to ask; − to inform.
- wattaru- (n.) : well (id. PÚ).
- watku- (I 2 a) : to spring, jump; to flee.
- watkunu- (I 7) : to drive away, to dismiss.
- wawarkima- (c.) : door hinge.
- weh- (I 1 a and Mid. 1) : to turn; to move. − Mid. = Act. − EGIR-pa weh- : to divert.
- LÚweheskattalla- (c.) : guard.
- wek- (I 1 a) : to wish, ask, demand, claim (id. IR).
- wekuwar (n.) : demand.
- welkuwan- (n.) : grass, plant.
- wellu- (c. / n.) : meadow (id. Ú.SAL).
- wemiya- (I 4) : to find, meet (id. KAR). anda w. : to meet inside. appan w. : "to meet behind" = "to surprise". piran w. : to find.
- wen- : to harm.
- weriya- (I 4) : to call; to instruct. − anda w. (Mid. and Act.) : to grant.
- weritema- (c.) : fear.
- werites- (I 1 e ?) : to worry.
- wes : we (§96).
- wes- (I 1 a), wessiya- (§178) : to dress. − Mid. to put on (a garment). − anda w. : to cover (a horse).
- wesi- (c.) : pasture.
- wesiya- (I 4) : to graze (trans.).
- wessiya- (c.) : to dress; cf. wes-.
- wesk- : iterative of wiya- "to lament" (§168).
- westara- (c.) : shepherd (id. LÚ.SIPA).
- wesuriya- (I 4) : to squeeze. − Mid. to push away one another, break up; to suffocate.
- wett- (c.) : year (§76; id. MU(.KAM)).
- weda- = uda- "to bring" (§16).
- wetant- : year (id. MU).
- wedanda : Instr. Sg. of watar "water" (§82).
- wetantanni : next year (id. MU-anni; from wett- "year").
- wetantātar (n.) : within a year, after a year (id. MU-ātar).
- wete- (I 2 a) : to build. − appa w. : to rebuild.
- weten- : root of watar "water" (§82).
- wetenu- : to have sth. built, reinforced, fortified.
- wetn- (wetna- ?) : wolf ?
- wetummar (n., §86) : construction work.
- wewakk(iya)- (I 4 ?) : to ask again. − appa w. : to claim again.
- wezpant- : old, worn-out.
- wiya- : to send, dispatch.
- wiyana- : wine (id. GEŠTIN).
- wilan- (c.) : clay, loam.
- wisiya- : wesiya- "to graze" (§10).
- wida- : to send, dispatch.
- widār : Pl. of watar "water" (§82).
- wiwisk- : to be in labour.
- -z : (shortened form of -za).
- -za : (reflexive particle).
- zah- (I 1 a / II 1 a ?) : to strike. − anda z. : to smash, to injure.
- zahhāi- (c., §68f) : battle, combat (id. MÈ).
- zahhiya- (I 4) : to fight (id. MÈ-ya). − Mid. to fight one another; also Mid. = Act.
- zāi- (II 2 b) : to cross.
- zainu- (I 7) : to make cross.
- zaluganu- (I 7) : to last, stretch in time.
- zammurāi- (I 3) : to offend, insult.
- -zan = -za (reflexive particle, §34). Also contraction of -za-san (§42b).
- zankilātar (n., §83) : punishment, sentence; expiatory offering, penance, atonement.
- zanu- (I 7) : to cook (trans.).
- zappanu- (I 7) : to drip. − anda z. : to drip into.
- zashāi- (c.) : dream (id. Ù).
- zashi- (c.) : dream.
- zāu- (n.) : (a ritual object).
- zazhāi- = zashāi- "dream" (§27c).
- zazhi- = zashi- "dream" (§27c).
- zeya- (Mid. 2) : to cook (intrans.).
- zenna- (II 2 c) : to end, finish; to settle, put an end to; to demolish (Akk. gummuru). − Mid. : to go to its end. − dSIN-as zennattari = "it is the new moon ". − kattan arha z. : to liquidate, prevent from doing harm.
- zeri- : cup, goblet (id. DUG.GAL).
- zeriyalli- (n.) : vessel stand.
- zik, ziqqa : you (sg., §96). − zikila : yourself (§99).
- zikk- (I 6 b) : to put several times; to start (iterative of dāi- "to put", §24. 168b).
- zila- (c.) : information from an oracle.
- zilatiya, ziladuwa : adv. in future.
- LÚzilipuriyatalla- (c.) : (a priest ?)
- zinna- : to finish. − Mid. : to stop, be finished.
- GIŠzuppari- (n.) : torch.
- 1-as : one; − only, alone. − 1-as 1-an = the one the other. 1-edaz 1-edaz : "from the one and the other" = "mutually". − 1-etta (Instr. ?) : in one, together.
- 2-el, 2-pit : both (§131).
- 3-alla = teriyalla- (§129b3).
- 7-miya- = siptamiya- (§129b5).