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- ܨܘܼܪܬܵܐ : 1) see also ܝܘܼܩܢܵܐ / ܨܲܠܡܵܐ / ܕܘܼܡܝܵܐ : an image , a picture , a visible result / a spectrum of light , a plan / an outline / a plot of land on a map , a sketch / a drawing / an illustration , a design , an imitation / a representation / an image of a person, things ...- (sculptures, drawn ...) , a resemblance , a pictograph , a movie / a film
- ܨܘܼܪܬܵܐ : 1) the intent / mind (directed with keen / eager attention) , the purpose / aim / design ;
2) adverb : purposely , on purpose , ex-professo , with purpose and design , with predetermination , willingly / wittingly , deliberately , intentionally , knowingly , by design , advisedly ;
ܕܨܘܼܪܬܵܐ : pro forma / token , perfunctory , made / carried out as a formality , apparently polite / , ten-cents smile ... / mechanical / forced / strained ;