Eastern Syriac :ܠܘܼܟܸܢܵܐ
Western Syriac :ܠܽܘܟܶܢܳܐ
Root :ܠܟܢ
Eastern phonetic :lu: ' kin na:
Category :adjective
English :see also ܟܬܝܼܡܵܐ / ܡܛܵܘܫܵܐ / ܡܠܲܛܚܵܐ / ܦܠܝܼܠܵܐ : 1) spotted / stained with spots , maculated , splotchy / splodgy / smudged / smeared with spots , mackled , speckled , having spots or specks , soiled , smudged , defiled , stained , maculate ; 2) figurative sense ; with words ... : vilified (?) / backbitten (?) , ill-spoken of (?) / accused of all evils (?) ;
French :1) voir aussi ܟܬܝܼܡܵܐ / ܡܛܵܘܫܵܐ / ܡܠܲܛܚܵܐ / ܦܠܝܼܠܵܐ : taché / entaché , sali par des taches , maculé , ayant des taches , souillé , sali ; 2) sens figuré ; en paroles ... : sali (?) / vilipendé (?) / couvert de boue (?) / traité de tous les noms (?) / accusé de tous les maux (?) ;
Dialect :Eastern Syriac

Cf. ܠܟܢ, ܠܲܟܸܢ, ܠܲܟܘܼܢܹܐ, ܠܲܟܵܢܘܼܬܵܐ

See also : ܩܕܲܩܕܵܢܵܐ, ܒܹܛܹܐ ܒܹܛܹܐ, ܒܲܠܩܵܐ, ܛܘܼܠܫܬܵܐ, ܟܲܟܠܵܢܵܐ, ܠܘܼܟܸܢܵܐ, ܠܲܟܵܢܘܼܬܵܐ, ܡܛܵܘܫܵܐ, ܡܠܲܛܚܵܐ, ܦܠܝܼܠܵܐ, ܟܬܝܼܡܵܐ

Source : Oraham, Bailis Shamun