Select entry :
- ܘܲܗܡܵܐ : 1) jeopardy , peril , danger ;
2) fear , apprehension ;
3) Bailis Shamun : a phantasm ; see also ܡܸܬܝܲܩܢܵܢܘܼܬܵܐ / ܗܸܓܓ݂ܵܐ : a phantasm / a product of fantasy , a delusive appearance / an illusion / a hallucination , a fantasm / a figment of the imagination / fantasy ;
- ܘܲܗܡܵܐ : 1) see also ܫܪܲܓ݂ܪܵܓ݂ܝܼܬܵܐ / ܦܲܢܛܲܣܡܵܐ / ܣܸܒ݂ܪܵܐ : an illusion , a chimera , a quixotic idea / a starry notion , a wrong ideal , a product of fantasy , a figment of imagination , a delusive appearance , a hallucination , a mirage ;
2) see also ܫܪܲܓ݂ܪܵܓ݂ܝܼܬܵܐ / ܗܲܓܵܓ݂ܵܐ : a phantom , a ghost , a supernatural apparition / a spook / a wraith , a spectre / a specter ;