Eastern Syriac : | ܝܵܥܩܘܿܒܵܝܵܐ |
Western Syriac : | ܝܳܥܩܽܘܒܳܝܳܐ |
Eastern phonetic : | ia: qu ' ba: ia: |
Category : | noun |
English : | 1) a Jacobite , a member of the Syrian Monophysitic Church, named after Jacobus Baradaeus (d. 578), its leader in the 6th century ; 2) a partisan or adherent of James II of England after his overthrow (1688), or of the Stuarts ; |
French : | 1) un Jacobite , membre de l'Eglise monophysite, ainsi nommée d'après Jacob Bar Addaï (Baradaeus) , à sa tête au VIème siècle ; 2) un Jacobite , partisan de Jacques II d'Angleterre ou des Stuarts ; |
Dialect : | Eastern Syriac |
See also : ܝܵܥܩܘܿܒ݂
Jacob Baradai rejected Jesus's human nature and saw in Him only a divine nature
Jacob Baradai rejettait la nature humaine de Jésus pour ne retenir que la nature divine
Source : Oraham